building a Consortium of Bryophytes and Lichens as keystones of cryptobiotic communities
Pellia neesiana
Pellia neesiana(Gottsche) Limpr.
Family: Pelliaceae
[Marsilia neesiana (Gottsche) Lindb., moreMerkia neesii Lindb., Papa intermedia (Gottsche et Rabenh.) Trevis., Pellia epiphylla f. neesiana Gottsche, Pellia epiphylla var. intermedia Gottsche et Rabenh., Pellia epiphylla var. neesiana (Gottsche) H. Bern., Pellia neesiana f. luxurians Schiffn., Pellia neesiana f. neesiana autonym, Pellia neesiana f. subaquatica Schiffn., Pellia neesiana var. neesiana autonym, Pellia neesiana var. undulata J.B.Jack, Pellia neesii Lindb.]