Stems: with branches short or elongate, simple. Leaves: wide-spreading when moist, 1–1.2 mm; apex acuminate; costa percurrent or nearly so, not spurred, tip not 2-fid. Perichaetia: with inner leaves 1.6–1.9 mm, awn usually distinct, denticulate, 1/5–1/4 length expanded portion of leaf. Capsule: with peristome double; exostome teeth single; endostome segments irregularly linear. Calyptra: subcucullate to cucullate. Spores: papillose. Phenology: Capsules mature Dec–Apr.
Twigs, branches, trunks of trees, humid forests, swamp forests. low to moderate elevations (0-1100 m). Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tenn., Tex.
Cryphaea nervosa usually grows in more humid habitats than does C. glomerata; the two species are often intermingled. The narrowly pointed leaves of C. nervosa make it easy to recognize in the field. The costa is often so prominent that the leaves of dry plants appear to be plicate.