Family: Pottiaceae
hyophila moss
[Barbula lingulata Warnst., moreBarbula micholitzii (Broth.) Müll. Hal., Barbula spathulata Dozy & Molk., Desmatodon involutus (Hook.) Mitt., Didymodon macounii Kindb., Didymodon riparius (Austin) Kindb., Glyphomitrium platyphyllum Cardot & Thér., Gymnostomum cylindricum Hook. ex Harv., Gymnostomum denticulatum Griff., Gymnostomum involutum Hook., Gymnostomum tortula Schwägr., Hymenostomum involutifolium Müll. Hal., Hyophila acuminata Broth. & P. de la Varde, Hyophila angustiuscula Baumgartner & Dixon, Hyophila anoectangioides Müll. Hal. ex Dusén, Hyophila ascensionis Cardot, Hyophila atrovirens (Besch.) Broth., Hyophila attenuata Broth., Hyophila baginsensis Müll. Hal., Hyophila bescherellei (Schimp.) Müll. Hal., Hyophila bingeri Broth. & Paris, Hyophila caripensis Hampe, Hyophila circinata (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger, Hyophila commutata Broth., Hyophila congolensis Thér. & Naveau, Hyophila contermina (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger, Hyophila crenulata Müll. Hal. ex Dusén, Hyophila cylindrica (Hook. ex Harv.) A. Jaeger, Hyophila dentata Cardot, Hyophila denticulata (Müll. Hal.) Schimp., Hyophila dozy-molkenboeri M. Fleisch., Hyophila elata Cardot, Hyophila flavipes Broth., Hyophila fouta-djalloni Paris & Broth., Hyophila glaucoviridis Paris & Broth., Hyophila harveyana Hampe, Hyophila hookeri Hampe, Hyophila integrifolia Dixon & Thér., Hyophila involuta f. circinata (Müll. Hal.) P.C. Chen, Hyophila involuta var. flavipes (Broth.) E.B. Bartram, Hyophila involutifolia (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger, Hyophila lanceolata Renauld & Cardot, Hyophila latifolia Broth., Hyophila lauterbachii Broth., Hyophila liukiensis Sakurai, Hyophila martinicae Renauld & Cardot, Hyophila mattogrossensis Broth., Hyophila micholitzii Broth., Hyophila mollis Broth., Hyophila moutieri Paris & Broth., Hyophila niamniamiae Müll. Hal., Hyophila oerstediana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger, Hyophila parietalis Cardot, Hyophila perconvoluta (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Hyophila perdenticulata Dixon, Hyophila perrobusta (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Hyophila potieri Besch., Hyophila potieri var. tapes (Renauld & Cardot) Renauld ex Cardot, Hyophila procera Paris & Broth., Hyophila punctulata (Mitt.) Kindb., Hyophila reflexifolia (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Hyophila rhodesiae Thér., Hyophila riparia (Aust.) Fleisch. in Britt., Hyophila stenocarpa Renauld & Cardot, Hyophila subacutiuscula P. de la Varde & Thér., Hyophila subcontermina Renauld & Cardot, Hyophila subcrenulata (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Hyophila subdenticulata Cardot, Hyophila subflaccida Broth. & Dixon, Hyophila tortula (Schwaegr.) Hampe, Hyophila tsunodae Broth. ex Yasuda, Hyophila validinervis Cardot & P. de la Varde, Hyophila victoriae Müll. Hal. ex Dusén, Hyophila wrightii A. Jaeger ex Broth., Hyophila zollingeri (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger, Leptodontium canadense Kindb., Leptodontium riparium (Austin) E. Britton, Pottia circinata Müll. Hal., Pottia combae (De Not.) De Not., Pottia contermina Müll. Hal., Pottia cylindrica (Hook. ex Harv.) Müll. Hal., Pottia denticulata Müll. Hal., Pottia involuta (Hook.) Müll. Hal., Pottia involutifolia (Müll. Hal.) Müll. Hal., Pottia oerstediana Müll. Hal., Pottia perconvoluta Müll. Hal., Pottia perrobusta Müll. Hal., Pottia reflexifolia Müll. Hal., Pottia riparia Austin, Pottia subcrenulata Müll. Hal., Pottia tortula (Schwägr.) Müll. Hal., Pottia zollingeri Müll. Hal., Ptychomitrium platyphyllum (Cardot & Thér.) Cardot, Streptopogon tapes Renauld & Cardot, Tayloria coreana Sakurai, Trichostomum atrovirens Rehmann ex Müll. Hal., Trichostomum bescherellei Schimp., Weissia contermina (Müll. Hal.) Mitt., Weissia involutifolia (Müll. Hal.) Mitt., Weissia oerstediana (Müll. Hal.) Mitt., Weissia punctulata Mitt., Weissia tortula (Schwägr.) Mitt.] |
Plants: in loose or dense, dark green to red-brown or blackish tufts, dull or occasionally with a metallic sheen. Stem: densely foliate, 5–10(–20) mm, central strand strong. Leaves: concave when moist, to 1.5–2(–2.5) mm, oblong-spatulate to obovate, occasionally with multicellular teeth in distal 1/4, rounded to rounded obtuse at the apex, sometimes apiculate; costa stout, prominent abaxially, smooth on the abaxial surface to occasionally roughened at the apex, hydroids absent; laminal cells near insertion short-rectangular, 2–4:1, firm-walled, pale and brownish or hyaline, cells 8–10(–12) µm wide, in longitudinal and oblique rows, thin to thick-walled, bulging-mammillose on the adaxial surface, plane on the abaxial. Sexual: condition dioicous. Seta: 6–7 mm, reddish to yellow-brown with age. Capsule: erect, 1.5–3 mm, narrowly cylindric from an indistinct neck, annulus well differentiated, red-brown, of vesiculose cells, persistent or deciduous; [operculum erect, conic-rostrate, 0.6–0.8 mm]. Loosely consolidated sedimentary rocks, soft limestone, rocky riverbanks, streamsides and bluffs in shaded woods. low to moderate elevations (0-1100 m). Ont., Ala., Ariz., Ark., Conn., Fla., Ga., Ind., Kans., Ky., Md., Mich., Mo., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Okla., Pa., Tenn., Tex., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis., Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, Europe, s Asia, s Africa, Pacific Islands, Australia. Cells covering the adaxial costal surface in the related genus Plaubelia are rounded and similar to the laminal cells, being small and generally isodiametric; those of Hyophila are rather different from the laminal cells, being somewhat larger and quadrate to short-rectangular. The adaxial costal cells of Plaubelia are more saliently mammillose than those of Hyophila, but this is not always easy to establish. In the flora the range of Plaubelia is restricted to Florida, whereas that of Hyophila involuta extends from Florida north to Ontario. For distinction of Hyophila from Dichodontium pellucidum, see discussion of the latter species. Hyophila involuta apparently rarely fruits in the flora area (one old sporophyte was seen from Ohio; one fruiting specimen from New Jersey was noted by A. J. Grout 1928–1940). |