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Inventory Projects
Managers: email if you need access to this project
Bryophyte flora (mosses, liverworts, hornworts) of Indonesia
Managers: Ainun Nadhifah, Matt von Konrat
This is an ongoing project developing checklists for mosses, liverworts and hornworts for Indonesia. Ini merupakan proyek yang sedang dikembangkan untuk daftar nama jenis lumut daun, lumut hati, dan lumut tanduk di Indonesia.
Bryophyte flora (mosses, liverworts, hornworts) of Malaysia
Managers: Siti Diana Kamila Nadim, Suey Yee Low, Ainun Nadhifah, Matt von Konrat
Malaysia is one of the tropical country located at equatorial region with hot and humid climate throughout the year. Rainforest in Malaysia sustain high biodiversity especially those endemic allowed it to ranked 12 in Biodiversity Hotspot. There includes 742 species of birds, 567 species of reptiles, 306 species of mammals and more that 15,000 plant species.
Bryophyte Flora of Fiji
Managers: Matt von Konrat
Working towards a bryophyte flora of the islands of Fiji. Currently the focus is on liverworts and hornworts
Bryophyte Flora of Guatemala
Managers: Juan Larraín, Laura Briscoe, and Matt von Konrat
Mosses, liverworts and hornworts from Guatemala. This is an online collaborative effort with Mervin E. Pérez and Maria Victoria Rios Galvez
Bryophytes of Chile
Managers: Juan Larraín, Matt von Konrat
Bryophytes of the Falkland Islands
Managers: Matt von Konrat and Juan Larrain
Mosses, liverworts and hornworts of the Falkland Islands
Frullania Species Lists
Managers: Frullania Collaborative Research Network
Managers: Juan Larraín
Iowa State Lists
Managers: Not defined
Managers: Juan Larrain
Managers: Missouri Botanical Garden
National Park Service
Managers: NPS
New Mexico
Managers: email if you need access to this project
New York
Managers: email if you need access to this (or any other) project
North America
Managers: Not defined
North Carolina
Managers: Duke University Herbarium
Managers: Contact portal managers for access
Managers: Scott Schuette
Plagiochila species lists
Managers: Margaux Fischer and Matt von Konrat
Preliminary Plagiochila checklists from selected regions
Sphagnum species checklists
Managers: Blanka Aguero (DUKE)
Teaching Checklists
Managers: Miscellaneous managers
Inspired by the SEINet teaching checklists. Please contact portal managers for access, and use this space with your students.
United States Inventories
Managers: Not defined
Univ. of California Natural Reserve System
Managers: UCNRS
This checklist focuses on bryophytes found within the University of California Natural Reserve System.
Managers: Katie Mitchell
Managers: Blanka Aguero