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Ahart Herbarium, CSU Chico - Bryophytes (CHSC)
Located in Holt Hall room 129, the Herbarium is the most complete repository of plant specimens from northeastern California. The emphasis is on the northern California flora, and includes a great number of rare, threatened, and endangered plant species. Established with specimens donated by the late Professor Vesta Holt in the 1950's, the herbarium now contains more than 105,000 dried and mounted plant specimens. The majority of samples are flowering plants, conifers, and ferns, but bryophytes, lichens, and especially slime molds, are also well represented. The herbarium is used extensively for identification of sensitive and other plant species by various agencies and individuals. Loans of herbarium specimens are made to any higher academic institutions who request them.
herbarium curator: Lawrence Janeway, LJaneway@csuchico.edu
herbarium director: Adrienne Edwards, aledwards@csuchico.edu, 530-898-5861
Collection Statistics
- 4,992 specimen records
- 3,657 (73%) georeferenced
- 4,916 (98%) with images (4,916 total images)
- 4,661 (93%) identified to species
- 107 families
- 308 genera
- 872 species
- 895 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)