West Virginia Natural Heritage Program Herbarium - Bryophytes (WVHP)

The West Virginia Natural Heritage Program Herbarium was founded in 1988 as a reference collection to supplement the work of WV Natural Heritage researchers. Through donations and exchanges, the collections span from the 1890s to present day and consist mainly of vascular plants but includes lichens and bryophytes, all primarily from West Virginia.

State Botanist: John Burkhart, john.q.burkhart@wv.gov
Associate Ecologist & Data Manager: Brian Streets, Brian.P.Streets@wv.gov
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 11759dba-2ae7-497d-beba-7ad524755ad5
Digital Metadata: EML File
Collection Statistics
  • 455 specimen records
  • 327 (72%) georeferenced
  • 453 (100%) identified to species
  • 45 families
  • 95 genera
  • 157 species
  • 164 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics