Search Results (Table)


| 1-1000 of 2766 records | >>
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
3828402 PH PH00228979 Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook. f. & Wilson) Broth. K. W. Allison s.n. 1932-01-00 New Zealand Rotorua ins. sepentrionalis, Rotorua, Puaiti Bush. -38.410806 176.163389 In silvis, ad. arb. truncorum bases, subskiophila. 500
3828408 PH PH00228985 Leptostomaceae Leptostomum inclinans R. Br. K. W. Allison s.n. 1932-08-00 New Zealand Rotorua Ins. septentrionalis, prope Mangaiti. In silvis, ad arborum truncos part. sup. photophila. 500
5144201 CHR:CHR CHR 579637 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-26 New Zealand Westland Land District On shady bank in beech forest.
5144262 CHR:CHR CHR 624841 Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-05 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -42.378934 172.399329 Wet open space, under a shrub. 884
5144322 CHR:CHR CHR 612961 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 381 1930-03-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree branches in bush
5144355 CHR:CHR CHR 577841 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 only on stems on tree-ferns in bush. 488
5144373 CHR:CHR CHR 626196 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum var. adnatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1804 1944-09-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On fern fronds in heavy bush gully
5144442 CHR:CHR CHR 629451 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium retusum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1462 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in gully. Coastal forest.
5144486 CHR:CHR CHR 637920 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 445 1930-11-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Within spray of small waterfall.
5144496 CHR:CHR CHR 626198 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum var. adnatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1803 1944-09-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On mound of earth in bush with Mittenia.
5144644 CHR:CHR CHR 579627 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1946-04-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.874876 170.504057 In earth of top of rather shady brick wall with south exposure. 1158
5144683 CHR:CHR CHR 579632 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1958-09-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 In swampy ground of wide swampy creek.
5144726 CHR:CHR CHR 624838 Bartramiaceae Breutelia affinis (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-12-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.816 170.428 On dry hillside
5144893 CHR:CHR CHR 626248 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-03-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest
5145340 CHR:CHR CHR 632188 A Hedwigiaceae Hedwigidium integrifolium (P.Beauv.) C.E.O.Jensen Kenneth W. Allison 179 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rock near the river
5145412 CHR:CHR CHR 579641 Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In swamp.
5145476 CHR:CHR CHR 628778 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 6617 1959-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.287409 169.84345 On rotten log in shade in small clump of bush on Clutha River
5145513 CHR:CHR CHR 579605 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-09-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In swamp.
5145524 CHR:CHR CHR 628771 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4945 1954-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.979519 170.790557 On sheltered side of limestone boulder at base of cliff.
5145724 CHR:CHR CHR 628200 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 860 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.096371 170.187846 On tree tunk in bush. 183
5145730 CHR:CHR CHR 579772 A Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia knightii Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 888 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in forest 244
5146171 CHR:CHR CHR 454580 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum bifarium (Hook.) Manuel Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On earth in damp gully in beech forest.
5146172 CHR:CHR CHR 454586 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum bifarium (Hook.) Manuel Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.652739 167.954128 On rotting log on floor of beech forest.
5146292 CHR:CHR CHR 464369 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1233 1946-12-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.554637 170.952053 in shady swamp. 213
5146551 CHR:CHR CHR 106639 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 6836 1960-09-25 New Zealand Canterbury Land District On lower trunks of mountain beech.
5146848 CHR:CHR CHR 627946 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 3987 1950-10-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813234 170.554568 On shrub in light bush 549
5147013 CHR:CHR CHR 626582 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 6824 1944-09-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On earth in heavy bush gully
5147020 CHR:CHR CHR 454588 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1944-04-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 Damp creek bank.
5147031 CHR:CHR CHR 628789 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1648 1946-06-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 Plentiful on fallen and erect willow trunks in grove on swampy area.
5147114 CHR:CHR CHR 579625 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 Forming pure colony over several square feet in alpine bog. 610
5147128 CHR:CHR CHR 612359 Andreaeaceae Andreaea flexuosa R.Br.bis Kenneth W. Allison 3520 1950-01-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.832418 170.466363 On bare rock in open 518 - 640
5147153 CHR:CHR CHR 624661 B Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 115 1928-09-13 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 on damp bank.
5147180 CHR:CHR CHR 628376 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1474 1947-03-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.054752 170.19371 On tree branch in bush.
5147236 CHR:CHR CHR 637421 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-28 New Zealand North Auckland Land District Damp boggy ground
5147277 CHR:CHR CHR 612381 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 565 1933-01-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On base of rimu tree
5147322 CHR:CHR CHR 490334 Bryaceae Bryum duriusculum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1942-11-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 Immersed to tips in permanent spring & on adjacent groundFruiting specim...
5147333 CHR:CHR CHR 579628 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-19 New Zealand Otago Land District Open swampy creek. 914
5147394 CHR:CHR CHR 557713 Dendrocerotaceae Dendroceros allisonii Herzog Kenneth W. Allison | Kenneth W. Allison 1933-09-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On tree trunk near edge of bush
5147436 CHR:CHR CHR 621823 B Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 474 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.378 175.44 Damp bank
5147444 CHR:CHR CHR 612957 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 385 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On branches of totara tree
5147668 CHR:CHR CHR 579631 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-28 New Zealand Otago Land District Swampy open ground in gully.
5147993 CHR:CHR CHR 626622 Mitteniaceae Mittenia plumula (Mitt.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 792 1944-09-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Shay side of mound of earth in dry gully in bush
5148042 CHR:CHR CHR 576904 Daltoniaceae Achrophyllum dentatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Vitt & Crosby Kenneth W. Allison 1581 1946-01-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813234 170.554568 Boggy ground in bush 457
5148131 CHR:CHR CHR 614332 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Ad caudices filicinum-arborearum, nec alibi 500
5148144 CHR:CHR CHR 614181 A Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-07-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In open swamp.
5148153 CHR:CHR CHR 624877 B Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-13 New Zealand Westland Land District In beech forest. On wet roadside face in profusion with other luxuriant bryophyt...
5148267 CHR:CHR CHR 547518 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1941-05-08 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth. Hillside in heavy bush 213
5148297 CHR:CHR CHR 579640 A Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-11-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In swamp.
5148383 CHR:CHR CHR 489198 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum subulatum (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 3100 1940-11-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Road cutting in light bush.
5148441 CHR:CHR CHR 489238 Polytrichaceae Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 747 1944-03-23 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Damp shady side of road cutting
5148538 CHR:CHR CHR 628138 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2992 1931-01-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.118 176.198 On shrub branches in "scrub." 762 - 762
5148605 CHR:CHR CHR 590256 Bryaceae Bryum sauteri Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-01-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 Shady wet steep bank of hillside watercourse
5148610 CHR:CHR CHR 628197 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 6174 1957-11-03 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.1709 169.498 On beech-tree trunk.
5149021 CHR:CHR CHR 536752 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 592 1934-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7337 176.145
5149110 CHR:CHR CHR 626603 Orthorrhynchiaceae Orthorrhynchium elegans (Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 165 1929-02-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush.
5149299 CHR:CHR CHR 627292 Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1933-12-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Tree trunks of Leptospermum ericoides
5149432 CHR:CHR CHR 612958 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 106 1928-08-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka bark
5149555 CHR:CHR CHR 628150 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 384 1930-03-00 New Zealand Wellington Land District Branches of totara
5149674 CHR:CHR CHR 627401 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 on manuka 305
5149887 CHR:CHR CHR 454615 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1938-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On side of waterfall. 610
5149932 CHR:CHR CHR 628783 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 9,718 1969-09-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 On old willow log near lake
5149933 CHR:CHR CHR 628792 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4690 1953-06-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.054752 170.19371 On earth in bush. Coastal
5149936 CHR:CHR CHR 624839 Bartramiaceae Breutelia affinis (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-11-03 New Zealand Otago Land District Common in tussock land. 610
5150028 CHR:CHR CHR 665603 B Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3231 1935-01-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Small rock in trickle. 762
5150173 CHR:CHR CHR 628772 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1641 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.716474 170.569331 On shallow soil on rock at stream edge.
5150187 CHR:CHR CHR 611981 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-01-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.023 170.145 Damp low area esp on Flood terrace of Stream 610
5150217 CHR:CHR CHR 626264 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2602 1924-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On bark of standing tree.
5150271 CHR:CHR CHR 613549 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 6707 1959-11-15 New Zealand Otago Land District on lower willow tree trunk
5150386 CHR:CHR CHR 527891 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon minutus Müll.Hal. & Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-10 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.89 175.054 On tree trunk in bush
5150619 CHR:CHR CHR 628195 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1491 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.096371 170.187846 On tree tunk in bush. 183
5150620 CHR:CHR CHR 628203 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1,466 1947-09-27 New Zealand Southland Land District -45.441 167.682 On beech trunks in bush. 204
5150659 CHR:CHR CHR 628787 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4315 1952-04-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.862096 170.461214 On tree branch in bush.
5150661 CHR:CHR CHR 628791 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1647 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.964485 169.972148 On rock in shade 61
5150702 CHR:CHR CHR 632697 Bryaceae Bryum crassum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 2469 1930-10-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District low open ground
5150704 CHR:CHR CHR 665737 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.926842 170.034819 Shallow soil & on rock at side Waipori R. Gorge
5150797 CHR:CHR CHR 532689 Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 2607 1942-11-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush. 182
5151179 CHR:CHR CHR 538822 Neckeraceae Pendulothecium auriculatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Enroth & S.He Kenneth W. Allison 789 1944-08-16 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Damp bank in forest on roots.
5151267 CHR:CHR CHR 579505 Sematophyllaceae Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 2294 1931-12-28 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On a log in bush gully.
5151482 CHR:CHR CHR 665602 B Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-00 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.895779 175.069651 On shady banks of river
5151517 CHR:CHR CHR 626205 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 177 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rock
5151573 CHR:CHR CHR 627948 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 4001 1950-10-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.032 170.151 On lower trunk of Silver Birch tree. 640
5151583 CHR:CHR CHR 579230 Bryaceae Bryum coronatum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Heavy fern hillside
5151584 CHR:CHR CHR 579231 Bryaceae Bryum coronatum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-11-16 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 Dry shady slope, on earth.
5151602 CHR:CHR CHR 627557 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1606 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.096371 170.187846 On tree trunk in bush. 183
5151660 CHR:CHR CHR 579232 Bryaceae Bryum coronatum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-03-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 Hillside on rocky ground under fern 152
5151690 CHR:CHR CHR 454590 A Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1928-10-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.393322 176.031978 On earth on stream edge.
5151726 CHR:CHR CHR 624662 A Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 577 1933-08-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Edge of pothole - thermal ground.
5151740 CHR:CHR CHR 535829 Orthorrhynchiaceae Orthorrhynchium elegans (Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 3030 1941-05-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush.
5151841 CHR:CHR CHR 626210 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 8358 1964-11-27 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock face 305
5151856 CHR:CHR CHR 626211 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 7995 1963-11-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On shallow soil on rock 823
5151857 CHR:CHR CHR 611977 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 4100 1951-02-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.032 170.151 In swamp in open. 610
5152030 CHR:CHR CHR 527893 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon minutus Müll.Hal. & Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1021 1947-12-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.774 170.703 On gnaio bark in grove behind the foredune
5152145 CHR:CHR CHR 628350 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 4691 1953-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.121542 170.981142 On earth under trees
5152176 CHR:CHR CHR 579288 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-11-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.776738 170.704284 Stable sand dune hollow
5152254 CHR:CHR CHR 628777 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1,640 1945-08-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 On earth under remnant of light bush in gully
5152307 CHR:CHR CHR 628354 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 884 1945-09-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On earth on hillside in light shade
5152355 CHR:CHR CHR 628779 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 987 1946-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.980369 170.164874 On lower willow-tree trunks.
5152404 CHR:CHR CHR 628886 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3508 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.613616 168.338604 on wood in bush.
5152434 CHR:CHR CHR 611364 Orthorrhynchiaceae Orthorrhynchium elegans (Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1497 1945-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in bush
5152514 CHR:CHR CHR 579603 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1932-12-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In swamp. 305
5152636 CHR:CHR CHR 628770 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4281 1951-12-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 On tree trunk.
5152662 CHR:CHR CHR 119473 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1971-02-16 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.520161 169.563689 forest
5152855 CHR:CHR CHR 628206 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3001 1932-03-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka
5152941 CHR:CHR CHR 627413 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 901 1945-08-03 New Zealand Otago Land District On beech trunk in shade.
5152977 CHR:CHR CHR 626208 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 1383 1945-10-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On bare rock 76
5153036 CHR:CHR CHR 579626 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-08 New Zealand Otago Land District In water of streamlet near the ski huts. 1158
5153037 CHR:CHR CHR 579629 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813234 170.554568 In boggy ground. 488 - 549
5153038 CHR:CHR CHR 579633 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1964-12-01 New Zealand Otago Land District At side of small stream.
5153130 CHR:CHR CHR 628196 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 5094 1954-11-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On tree tunk at bush edge.
5153235 CHR:CHR CHR 463295 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1806 1945-04-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 on shallow earth on rocky creek bank in heavy bush
5153555 CHR:CHR CHR 628370 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-10 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.89 175.054 on tree trunk
5153568 CHR:CHR CHR 626202 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 2885 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on rhyolite rock in semi-shade
5153662 CHR:CHR CHR 626572 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2601 1929-12-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on a tree
5153688 CHR:CHR CHR 463319 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum var. adnatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 721 1944-04-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On smooth trunk of tree in bush
5153690 CHR:CHR CHR 548084 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1816 1944-07-13 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On earth mound in open bush but with heavy crown caves
5153748 CHR:CHR CHR 628356 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 6189 1957-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On earth on rocky face in shelter of shrubs. 549
5153751 CHR:CHR CHR 628357 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 6037 1956-08-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.054752 170.19371 On rotting log under cypress hedge.
5153760 CHR:CHR CHR 627956 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 607 1938-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk
5153765 CHR:CHR CHR 628768 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4689 1953-09-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.094911 170.969245 On rotten log under trees
5153766 CHR:CHR CHR 628786 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 882 1945-09-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On bare ground under willow & lupins.
5153802 CHR:CHR CHR 665602 A Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 371 1930-01-00 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.895779 175.069651 On shady bank of the river
5154000 CHR:CHR CHR 590251 A Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5656 170.574 Wet ground on open slope.
5154149 CHR:CHR CHR 628142 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5154178 CHR:CHR CHR 654545 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium campestre (Müll.Hal.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-01-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8115 170.499 With grass & other mosses on earth under trees near the original finding
5154220 CHR:CHR CHR 628377 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1475 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in bush gully. 15
5154239 CHR:CHR CHR 579235 Bryaceae Bryum affine sensu Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 5863 1955-12-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.032 170.151 Swampy ground. 609
5154268 CHR:CHR CHR 490783 Polytrichaceae Psilopilum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 9697 1969-11-16 New Zealand Wellington Land District On roadside bank 762
5154287 CHR:CHR CHR 579634 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-03 New Zealand Otago Land District On sandy margin of small stream at base of waterfall in shade.
5154295 CHR:CHR CHR 642432 Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 609 1938-06-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.317 176.378 On volcanically heated soil fully exposed on mountain side.
5154450 CHR:CHR CHR 628139 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2989 1934-08-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.9474 176.294 On tree tunk in bush 762 - 762
5154615 CHR:CHR CHR 604677 Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 2497 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Shady wet swamp
5154997 CHR:CHR CHR 487266 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 4696 1953-06-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.053 170.188 Amongst grass in damp area at edge of bush: near to coast. 91
5155040 CHR:CHR CHR 628352 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 883 1945-08-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.879568 170.490187 On earth under light bush.
5155074 CHR:CHR CHR 609440 B Dicranaceae Holomitrium trichopodum (Mitt.) Klazenga Kenneth W. Allison 2786 1934-11-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Rotten log on ground. 609
5155310 CHR:CHR CHR 578048 B Orthotrichaceae Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 620 1939-07-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Cabbage tree tunk in gully.
5155382 CHR:CHR CHR 612956 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 383 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On tree branches
5155564 CHR:CHR CHR 464340 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum var. parvirete Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 200 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On rotten log in bush.
5155589 CHR:CHR CHR 628780 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 9,574 1969-06-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.108849 170.182876 In shrubbery along stream. On log on ground in shade.
5155902 CHR:CHR CHR 628353 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 7757 1963-07-29 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.812202 170.550558 On shallow soil on rocks on bank under broom on side of old road. 549 - 610
5155903 CHR:CHR CHR 628355 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 886 1945-09-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.858964 170.231538 On shallow soil on rock in very shady glen, 12 ft above a stream. 61
5155927 CHR:CHR CHR 548083 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1811 1944-07-13 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On earth mound in open bush
5155929 CHR:CHR CHR 463330 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 723 1944-01-01 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.845749 173.546516 On earth in heavy kauri forest.
5155943 CHR:CHR CHR 463334 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum var. pulchellum Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 Swamp creek margin in bush
5155958 CHR:CHR CHR 627954 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 193 1929-06-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.9665 176.184 On bark of tree in bush.
5156095 CHR:CHR CHR 590251 B Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 3872 1950-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5656 170.574 Wet ground on open slope 518
5156140 CHR:CHR CHR 579638 Bryaceae Bryum pallescens Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-11-27 New Zealand Otago Land District open damp hillside sheltered by short vegetation 762
5156165 CHR:CHR CHR 627955 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 193 1929-06-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.961 176.169 on bark
5156211 CHR:CHR CHR 612954 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1839 1944-06-08 New Zealand North Auckland Land District Upper branches of forest tree (felled)
5156317 CHR:CHR CHR 578825 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum tasmanicum var. tasmanicum Kenneth W. Allison 8001 1963-11-07 New Zealand Canterbury Land District Epiphytic on Dixonia bushes on open tussock flat
5156361 CHR:CHR CHR 614181 B Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-07-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In swamp. 274
5156399 CHR:CHR CHR 627552 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1484 1946-12-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in bish
5156879 CHR:CHR CHR 636752 B Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1017 1946-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District On shrubs (Carmichaelia etc)
5156908 CHR:CHR CHR 464371 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1234 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On humus on beech forest floor in gully
5157002 CHR:CHR CHR 637854 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 4858 1954-02-18 New Zealand Canterbury Land District Swampy ground in open. 610
5157263 CHR:CHR CHR 626267 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2601 1942-02-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Bare tree trunk in bush.
5157560 CHR:CHR CHR 489282 Polytrichaceae Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-04 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.896 174.595 Damp road bank 183
5157779 CHR:CHR CHR 579640 B Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 444 1930-11-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Swamp.
5157921 CHR:CHR CHR 626510 Anomodontaceae Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 2882 1941-04-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in open bush on a ridge
5157932 CHR:CHR CHR 628784 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 9,718 1950-05-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.870521 170.50451 On brick-path edge on shady side of house.
5157947 CHR:CHR CHR 69075 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1554 1946-01-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813 170.555 swampy ground
5157955 CHR:CHR CHR 454578 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum bifarium (Hook.) Manuel Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-05 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.331125 172.51465 On log on floor of beech forest. 610
5158024 CHR:CHR CHR 579278 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1959-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District Silty bank under willows.
5158165 CHR:CHR CHR 454590 B Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 124 1928-10-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 On earth, in shady gully.
5158187 CHR:CHR CHR 614186 Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District On wet ground in open. 1219
5158534 CHR:CHR CHR 590277 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-09 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Damp soil near creek.
5158656 CHR:CHR CHR 611978 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 2121 1949-01-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.023 170.145 Common in low damp areas, especially on flood terraces of small streams. 610
5158678 CHR:CHR CHR 489195 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum subulatum (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 3099 1932-02-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.247 175.74 Damp shady clay bank.
5158713 CHR:CHR CHR 628180 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 3495 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.615 168.34 On tree in bush
5158786 CHR:CHR CHR 637856 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. John Trevillian Linzey | Kenneth W. Allison 1964-01-02 New Zealand Otago Land District Coastal in sand slack in damp open site
5158823 CHR:CHR CHR 590278 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1935-09-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Damp shady bank by a spring.
5158863 CHR:CHR CHR 609440 A Dicranaceae Holomitrium trichopodum (Mitt.) Klazenga Kenneth W. Allison 2676 1934-11-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rotten log on ground in bush. 609
5158891 CHR:CHR CHR 626265 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 48 1924-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5159016 CHR:CHR CHR 613189 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 682 1944-03-24 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 on tree trunk in bush
5159178 CHR:CHR CHR 590287 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1955-02-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On hummock in swamp shaded by willows. 6
5159419 CHR:CHR CHR 627949 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1528 1947-09-28 New Zealand Southland Land District On poplar in poplar grove. 213
5159437 CHR:CHR CHR 626213 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 4683 1953-09-24 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock. Rocky side of open gully
5159482 CHR:CHR CHR 626644 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 6732 1947-03-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On larch at edge of plantation 244
5159506 CHR:CHR CHR 626646 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 929 1946-01-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813 170.556 On Coprosma shrub. 244
5159539 CHR:CHR CHR 548077 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 2826 1941-05-08 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth. Hillside in heavy bush 213
5159649 CHR:CHR CHR 626578 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 3482 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.613616 168.338604 On tree trunk in bush
5159679 CHR:CHR CHR 590257 Bryaceae Bryum sauteri Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-08-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 On spoil from swamp drain under light shade of tall willows
5159718 CHR:CHR CHR 626199 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 2885 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On shallow soil on rock high above the river
5159811 CHR:CHR CHR 628208 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 223 1929-08-08 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 on manuka
5159820 CHR:CHR CHR 590283 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-29 New Zealand Otago Land District In swampy ground on roadside
5159822 CHR:CHR CHR 590285 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1950-12-05 New Zealand Otago Land District Swampy ground in open. 671
5159889 CHR:CHR CHR 632188 B Hedwigiaceae Hedwigidium integrifolium (P.Beauv.) C.E.O.Jensen Kenneth W. Allison 179 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rock
5159904 CHR:CHR CHR 490798 Polytrichaceae Notoligotrichum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) G.L.Sm. Leona M Allison 1947-09-00 New Zealand Westland Land District -43.3916 170.182
5159912 CHR:CHR CHR 641326 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon minutus Müll.Hal. & Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1021 1947-12-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.774 170.702 On Ngaio bark in growve behind foredune on coast north of entrance to Otago Harb...
5159932 CHR:CHR CHR 487368 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 3125 1934-11-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.854 176.303 damp bank, open & facing south 762
5159999 CHR:CHR CHR 490760 Polytrichaceae Notoligotrichum bellii (Broth.) G.L.Sm. Kenneth W. Allison 4171 1951-04-24 New Zealand On earth in bush
5160000 CHR:CHR CHR 489193 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum subulatum (Brid.) Brid. A J Allison 1930-07-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.333685 175.163945
5160125 CHR:CHR CHR 579373 Sematophyllaceae Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1776 1944-08-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On rotten log in forest.
5160228 CHR:CHR CHR 548082 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 2827 1940-08-09 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth: shady hollow on steep slope in bush 183
5160229 CHR:CHR CHR 548079 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 332 1930-03-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Earth mound in bush
5160242 CHR:CHR CHR 626215 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 8373 1964-11-24 New Zealand Canterbury Land District On rock
5160283 CHR:CHR CHR 487288 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 5866 1955-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.019 170.146 swampy ground 610
5160587 CHR:CHR CHR 626614 Mitteniaceae Mittenia plumula (Mitt.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 333 1930-03-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth mound (dry) in bush.
5160743 CHR:CHR CHR 482199 A Bartramiaceae Breutelia affinis (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 2373 1934-11-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 Dry bank of a "washout". 671
5160829 CHR:CHR CHR 637855 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 4857 1954-02-19 New Zealand Otago Land District Swampy creek in open gully in tussock country 914
5160923 CHR:CHR CHR 430848 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 441 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.416 176.169 On log in bush 244
5160972 CHR:CHR CHR 69047 Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1174 1947-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.087 170.129 on earth in bush gully
5161252 CHR:CHR CHR 629463 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 742 1944-05-06 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest.
5161328 CHR:CHR CHR 626648 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1752 1954-06-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.829 170.504 On trunk of oak tree in plantation
5161369 CHR:CHR CHR 627411 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 5182 1954-06-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On oak bark in plantation.
5161528 CHR:CHR CHR 613198 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 1883 1944-10-23 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in bush
5161606 CHR:CHR CHR 627412 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 1534 1946-07-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.964485 169.972148 On cabbage tree with Orthotrichum sp. at head of open gully. 244
5161640 CHR:CHR CHR 627959 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5161748 CHR:CHR CHR 626872 Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1950-11-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.097 169.102 In bog
5161762 CHR:CHR CHR 588038 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 592 1934-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7337 176.145 On manuka
5161770 CHR:CHR CHR 548078 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 332 1930-03-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth mound in bush
5161780 CHR:CHR CHR 628118 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 482 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District Tree trunk 914
5161804 CHR:CHR CHR 626874 Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1174 1947-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.087 170.129 On earth in bush gully.
5161805 CHR:CHR CHR 654673 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.39501 176.032907 In shade, on Manuka
5161920 CHR:CHR CHR 627556 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1606 1969-08-16 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On bark of oak in Plantation
5161950 CHR:CHR CHR 482199 B Bartramiaceae Breutelia affinis (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-11-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Dry bank of a washout. 671
5161964 CHR:CHR CHR 628141 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2991 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On branches of totara tree
5161973 CHR:CHR CHR 628146 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5161986 CHR:CHR CHR 626201 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 177 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rock in river but well above water level
5161988 CHR:CHR CHR 627414 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 6726 1947-04-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.832418 170.466363 On silver birch trunk at edge of forest.
5162013 CHR:CHR CHR 626511 Anomodontaceae Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 638 1940-09-09 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On bark in light bush.
5162189 CHR:CHR CHR 624662 B Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 557 1933-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth.
5162269 CHR:CHR CHR 490782 Polytrichaceae Notoligotrichum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) G.L.Sm. Leona M Allison 1946-07-00 New Zealand Hawke's Bay Land District Beech forest 914 - 1219
5162460 CHR:CHR CHR 628210 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 434 1930-10-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District Shallow soil on shady rock.
5162461 CHR:CHR CHR 69071 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1473 1948-03-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 Lower trunk ± horizontal of small tree in open bush gully 122
5162681 CHR:CHR CHR 487242 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 9449 1925-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.137 176.252 On wet unused pasture land
5162693 CHR:CHR CHR 627417 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 3825 1950-07-13 New Zealand Otago Land District On broom (Cytisus scoparium)
5162745 CHR:CHR CHR 628371 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 341 1930-01-10 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.89 175.054 On tree tunk in bush
5162801 CHR:CHR CHR 454643 Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 2340 1931-11-24 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Top of dry bank in semi-shade.
5162815 CHR:CHR CHR 626645 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1751 1947-04-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On trees at edge of exotic plantation
5162956 CHR:CHR CHR 579267 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 Wet roadside bank. 183
5163150 CHR:CHR CHR 613196 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 3474 1933-01-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On base of rimu tree.
5163151 CHR:CHR CHR 527888 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 3466 1942-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On south side of rimu trunk, 4-5 feet from the ground
5163194 CHR:CHR CHR 627402 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 3430 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka
5163226 CHR:CHR CHR 464370 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum var. pulchellum Kenneth W. Allison 5724 1955-05-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On earth in opening in pine plantation.
5163296 CHR:CHR CHR 579298 Bryaceae Bryum erythrocarpum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 On roadside bank. 183
5163427 CHR:CHR CHR 628378 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1473 1948-03-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 Lower ± horizontal trunk of small tree in patch of open bush in gully. 122
5163628 CHR:CHR CHR 489219 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum subulatum (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1551 1954-06-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On earth on sheltered roadside cuting in bush gully 91
5163631 CHR:CHR CHR 613197 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 769 1944-04-11 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On dead streak in small tree in bush
5163687 CHR:CHR CHR 590299 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-04-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On dry earth bank in bush (not on tree fern or wood!)
5163881 CHR:CHR CHR 527889 B Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 98 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Root on surface of steep bank.
5163886 CHR:CHR CHR 489328 Polytrichaceae Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 3499 1948-05-00 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.615 168.34 Old slip - on open clay bank
5163943 CHR:CHR CHR 611386 Leptodontaceae Leptodon smithii (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr Kenneth W. Allison 1438 1948-04-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On tree trunks & branches in small patch of bush in gully heads. Coastal...
5163951 CHR:CHR CHR 527887 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 777 1944-05-30 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest.
5164414 CHR:CHR CHR 627957 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 607 1938-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4912 176.668 Tree trunk
5164416 CHR:CHR CHR 627554 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 3699 1950-04-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8 170.533 On tree branch in "fog" forest
5164540 CHR:CHR CHR 487286 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 9405 1968-01-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.953 170.372 In open slight depression in tussock land 933
5164788 CHR:CHR CHR 626651 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 6733 1949-01-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.908 169.984 On beech trunk at bush edge
5164995 CHR:CHR CHR 579663 Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia knightii Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1861 1944-12-06 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.621 173.545 On tree trunk of small tree at bush edge 305
5165130 CHR:CHR CHR 463296 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On rotten log on forest floor
5165354 CHR:CHR CHR 548926 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1013 1946-10-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 In willow trunk in shade
5165499 CHR:CHR CHR 463329 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1803 1945-04-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On earth on rotten log in heavy bush.
5165501 CHR:CHR CHR 612952 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1835 1944-03-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in bush
5165664 CHR:CHR CHR 488512 Polytrichaceae Polytrichastrum longisetum (Brid.) G.L.Sm. Kenneth W. Allison 4859 1954-02-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.003 170.119 open peaty gully, wet in winter 701
5165702 CHR:CHR CHR 527882 Neckeraceae Thamnobryum pumilum (Hook.f. & Wilson) B.C.Tan Kenneth W. Allison 802 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.964485 169.972148 Shady rock on stream edge in small gorge. 30
5165754 CHR:CHR CHR 613510 Rhabdoweisiaceae Amphidium tortuosum (Hornsch.) Cufod. Kenneth W. Allison 4369 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock with Gymnostomum
5165825 CHR:CHR CHR 628774 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1644 1947-08-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.415858 170.77347 On earth in shady bush gully.
5166060 CHR:CHR CHR 464364 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 7142 1961-10-16 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.331125 172.51465 On log on beech forest floor.
5166146 CHR:CHR CHR 628775 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3803 1950-06-28 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 On earth in shade at base of willows. Swampy ground.
5166252 CHR:CHR CHR 628140 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2991 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree in bush 762
5166395 CHR:CHR CHR 628788 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1638 1946-04-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.862096 170.461214 On earth under native shrubs, mostly mahoe.
5166540 CHR:CHR CHR 627399 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 487 1931-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka in shade.
5166598 CHR:CHR CHR 577840 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 163 1929-02-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Tree-fern trunks.
5166602 CHR:CHR CHR 627410 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 1004 1947-04-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On Spruce twigs at edge of extoic plantation.
5166604 CHR:CHR CHR 611204 Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia knightii Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1651 1947-09-27 New Zealand Southland Land District On beech tree 204
5166769 CHR:CHR CHR 579294 Bryaceae Bryum duriusculum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1927-01-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Dry open plain.
5166840 CHR:CHR CHR 590276 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1938-12-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Side of drain 488
5166930 CHR:CHR CHR 628351 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 885 1945-08-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.879568 170.490187 On earth under deciduous trees on sides of open watercourse.
5166942 CHR:CHR CHR 625000 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum var. pulchellum Kenneth W. Allison 11 1927-10-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Damp ground under heavy manuka
5166952 CHR:CHR CHR 627947 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 995 1947-01-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.919919 170.26784 On old fruit trees in sheltered but abandonned orchard.
5166978 CHR:CHR CHR 465881 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-04-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 Wet stream margin.
5166983 CHR:CHR CHR 463322 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 445 1930-11-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 In spray of small waterall..
5166986 CHR:CHR CHR 523874 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 1886 1944-06-26 New Zealand North Auckland Land District Bark of fallen tree in rough area reverting to bush.
5166990 CHR:CHR CHR 613515 Rhacocarpaceae Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1637 1947-01-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 In open spaces, on peat 853
5167192 CHR:CHR CHR 612959 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 107 1928-07-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On manuka bark
5167458 CHR:CHR CHR 626609 Orthorrhynchiaceae Orthorrhynchium elegans (Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 3498 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.608145 168.343052 On tree trunk in bush 91 - 122
5167572 CHR:CHR CHR 454620 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On rock in and near stream in beech forest. 152 - 762
5167633 CHR:CHR CHR 482986 B Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 533 1932-04-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108
5167700 CHR:CHR CHR 578792 Dicranaceae Sclerodontium pallidum (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 719 1944-05-26 New Zealand North Auckland Land District Rocky ground in open, probably covered occasionally by flood water.
5167871 CHR:CHR CHR 528818 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 5762 1955-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.856009 170.681509 On limestone boulders.
5167902 CHR:CHR CHR 579296 Bryaceae Bryum erythrocarpum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-08-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -36.937 174.662 on clay bank at bush edge above the beach.
5167921 CHR:CHR CHR 579665 Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia knightii Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 3256 1934-09-14 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On fallen rimu trunk in bush 762
5167964 CHR:CHR CHR 626204 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 176 in part 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Soil on rock, in dry ground
5168072 CHR:CHR CHR 628769 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1645 1948-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 On rotten wood at edge of stream in steep gully
5168257 CHR:CHR CHR 578824 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 6734 1934-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On surface root of forest tree 762
5168275 CHR:CHR CHR 587443 Rhabdoweisiaceae Dicranoweisia Lindb. ex Milde Kenneth W. Allison 3380 1934-02-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.876 176.37 On open ground 762
5168294 CHR:CHR CHR 628782 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 9,558 1969-04-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.284635 169.840753 on earth at base of willow tree on river bank in bush remnant.
5168344 CHR:CHR CHR 624840 Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-15 New Zealand Nelson Land District Open wet face on roadside.
5168445 CHR:CHR CHR 548081 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 2828 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth mound in bush
5168472 CHR:CHR CHR 629946B Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 518 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Base of rimu, on trunk 488
5168514 CHR:CHR CHR 454631 Bartramiaceae Bartramia mossmaniana Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1069 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 Sheltered spots on earth above the timber line. 762
5168526 CHR:CHR CHR 579772 B Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia knightii Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 888 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District 244
5168615 CHR:CHR CHR 629460 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium ligulare Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 10196 1971-09-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.914 169.987 On small tree-trunk in rather open beech forest above the stream
5168750 CHR:CHR CHR 524473 Anomodontaceae Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 2881 1942-05-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Small clump of bush in gully On tree trunk in open bush.
5168752 CHR:CHR CHR 579280 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-08-24 New Zealand Otago Land District Run-out pasture, in open. 244
5168827 CHR:CHR CHR 413841 Cryphaeaceae Cryphaea tenella (Schwägr) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1018 1947-09-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.079537 168.667105 On tree trunk? 335
5168860 CHR:CHR CHR 611979 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 2121 1958-01-16 New Zealand Otago Land District Small stream with other mosses & short vegetation. 610
5168890 CHR:CHR CHR 626668 Mitteniaceae Mittenia plumula (Mitt.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.573 176.024 Shady dry moundof earth in lower part of bush
5168990 CHR:CHR CHR 626263 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2602 1936-04-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Tree tunk in bush. 457
5169322 CHR:CHR CHR 624888 B Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 142 1925-11-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Damp ground.
5169338 CHR:CHR CHR 626643 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-03-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On larch at edge of plantation 244
5169739 CHR:CHR CHR 624661 A Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 115 1928-09-13 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Damp bank.
5170772 CHR:CHR CHR 628199 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 5094 1948-09-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On trunk of kamahi in small patch bush 91
5170939 CHR:CHR CHR 626653 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1003 1947-04-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On trees at edge of plantation 244
5171014 CHR:CHR CHR 627565 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 684 1944-03-24 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest 274
5171015 CHR:CHR CHR 627566 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1836 1944-11-23 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in bush opening
5171016 CHR:CHR CHR 627567 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1837 1945-01-29 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in light forest 274
5171167 CHR:CHR CHR 590282 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1951-11-15 New Zealand Otago Land District Damp sheltered ground under bank facing south.
5171216 CHR:CHR CHR 454583 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum bifarium (Hook.) Manuel Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.560374 168.306468 On damp bank with Hypopterygium.
5171366 CHR:CHR CHR 590284 Meesiaceae Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.776738 170.704284 Swampy ground on stable dune.
5171383 CHR:CHR CHR 628207 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 434 1930-10-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Shallow soil on shady rock.
5171460 CHR:CHR CHR 613296 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum rupestre var. papillosum Lewinsky Kenneth W. Allison 6050 1956-12-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.023 170.145 On lower trunk of poplar, about 3 ft from ground with Tortella princeps &amp... 610
5171596 CHR:CHR CHR 532690B Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 72 1928-02-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunks
5171758 CHR:CHR CHR 626604 Orthorrhynchiaceae Orthorrhynchium elegans (Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 165 1929-02-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District tree trunks
5171838 CHR:CHR CHR 627416 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 8498 1964-12-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.0409 168.657 On rock with Grimmia trichophylla in shade of tall trees 366
5171862 CHR:CHR CHR 465868 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta brownii (Dixon) J.K.Bartlett Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On earth in bush.
5171880 CHR:CHR CHR 613514 Rhacocarpaceae Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 8007 1963-11-13 New Zealand Otago Land District In beec forest on wet roadside face with other tall bryophytes
5172068 CHR:CHR CHR 613195 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 3475 1932-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush
5172108 CHR:CHR CHR 624788 Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-13 New Zealand Westland Land District On wet roadside face in beech forest amongst luxuriant bryophytes
5172167 CHR:CHR CHR 629452 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum jolliffii (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1866 1945-01-06 New Zealand North Auckland Land District On boulder below flood level, sheltered by heavy growth on lowest river terrace ...
5172192 CHR:CHR CHR 527889 A Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 98 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On surface root on steep bank.
5172246 CHR:CHR CHR 624888 A Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In wet ground in open.
5172309 CHR:CHR CHR 487246 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1937-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.604 176.422 Low ground, wet in winter
5172347 CHR:CHR CHR 576199 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-00 New Zealand -38.394526 176.028994 Ad corticum fruticum. On bark of shrubs. 305
5172455 CHR:CHR CHR 613511 Rhabdoweisiaceae Amphidium tortuosum (Hornsch.) Cufod. Kenneth W. Allison 4653 1953-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District Wet shady stream bank on earth 30
5172781 CHR:CHR CHR 532690A Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 72 1928-02-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On tree trunks in bush.
5172996 CHR:CHR CHR 624877 A Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-13 New Zealand Westland Land District In beech forest. On wet roadside face in profusion with other luxuriant bryophyt...
5173018 CHR:CHR CHR 626266 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2602 1941-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush
5173349 CHR:CHR CHR 626203 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 2886 1934-11-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7321 176.153 671
5173397 CHR:CHR CHR 523900 A Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 441 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On prostrate log in bush 762
5173523 CHR:CHR CHR 626214 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 3878 1950-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5656 170.574 On rock at ground level, sheltered (but not shaded) by tussock
5173530 CHR:CHR CHR 626209 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 1381 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in open
5173531 CHR:CHR CHR 626212 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 1382 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in open 61
5173649 CHR:CHR CHR 523878 Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 3469 1934-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Growing with Zygodon gracillimus 762
5173792 CHR:CHR CHR 523879 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1013 1946-10-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 On willow trunk in shade
5174016 CHR:CHR CHR 627409 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 2033 1949-01-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.914 169.987 On beech trunk at bush edge.
5174019 CHR:CHR CHR 627553 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 4160 1951-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.822 170.507 On small tree trunk in bush
5174036 CHR:CHR CHR 523900 B Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 441 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rotten log 762
5174354 CHR:CHR CHR 613507 Rhabdoweisiaceae Amphidium tortuosum (Hornsch.) Cufod. Kenneth W. Allison 4369 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock with Gymnostomum calcareum
5174363 CHR:CHR CHR 613187 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon gracillimus M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 3472 1933-04-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On earth in bush. 488
5174418 CHR:CHR CHR 632190 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigidium integrifolium (P.Beauv.) C.E.O.Jensen Kenneth W. Allison 4948 1954-07-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On very shallow soil on bare rock in open but sheltered to the south.
5174438 CHR:CHR CHR 628205 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 223 1929-08-08 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka
5174449 CHR:CHR CHR 665603 A Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3231 1935-01-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Covering a small rock in a trickle from a small spring in open bush gully
5174525 CHR:CHR CHR 579795 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum cyathiforme R.Br.bis Kenneth W. Allison 1509 1945-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On shletered manuka
5174556 CHR:CHR CHR 628776 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 968 1946-06-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.920933 170.020497 On shallow soil on rocky face. Shaded.
5174644 CHR:CHR CHR 629946 A Orthotrichaceae Leratia obtusifolia (Hook.) Goffinet Kenneth W. Allison 518 1932-01-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 Base of rimu tree, on the trunk 488
5174649 CHR:CHR CHR 626200 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 2887 1938-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Bare open rock face
5174808 CHR:CHR CHR 433061 Anomodontaceae Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1942-05-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District tree trunk in open forest in open gully 244
5174809 CHR:CHR CHR 626261 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 195 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5174810 CHR:CHR CHR 626262 Cyrtopodaceae Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 2600 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush gully
5174821 CHR:CHR CHR 621823 A Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District Damp bank.
5174854 CHR:CHR CHR 428443 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium campestre (Müll.Hal.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-05-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.832418 170.466363 On rotten log in pine plantation
5174949 CHR:CHR CHR 613293 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum rupestre var. rupestre Kenneth W. Allison 1537 1947-05-02 New Zealand Otago Land District Sheltered side of rock on hillside.
5175100 CHR:CHR CHR 628213 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium helmsii Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5175142 CHR:CHR CHR 578426 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1639 1947-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On earth in bush gully
5175306 CHR:CHR CHR 628773 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 4235 1951-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814863 170.621044 On rock with Tortula muralis
5175343 CHR:CHR CHR 612951 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 606 1939-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On fallen rimu in bush
5175412 CHR:CHR CHR 636752 A Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1017 1946-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District On shrubs (Carmichaelia etc)
5175547 CHR:CHR CHR 613190 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2286 1949-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District on tree trunks in bush 366 - 488
5175648 CHR:CHR CHR 628785 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1,642 1946-09-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.866446 170.499281 on earth in shade
5175708 CHR:CHR CHR 626206 Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Kenneth W. Allison 176 in part 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Soil on rock, in dry ground
5175764 CHR:CHR CHR 480497 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pusillum var. otagoensis Fife Kenneth W. Allison 2035 1949-01-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On earth. Rough ground in tussock land just above a swamp.
5176232 CHR:CHR CHR 482986A Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 533 1932-04-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765
5176249 CHR:CHR CHR 624691 Bartramiaceae Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-27 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth 305
5176291 CHR:CHR CHR 590258 Bryaceae Bryum sauteri Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-01-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 Sheltered & shaded mouth of pot-hole in tussock land. 91
5176397 CHR:CHR CHR 590293 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-04-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree fern caudex in bush.
5176401 CHR:CHR CHR 626194 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum crispulum var. adnatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 6823 1944-09-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On rotten log in heavy bush gully
5176706 CHR:CHR CHR 592447 B Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 109 1928-09-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 On bark of manuka
5176713 CHR:CHR CHR 635279 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium prorepens (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 482 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.208526 175.584461 on tree trunks 914
5176734 CHR:CHR CHR 628201 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium grossirete Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 5098 1954-07-28 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On lower trunk of kamahi tree at edge of bush
5176865 CHR:CHR CHR 577839 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-02-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On tree fern trunk in bush.
5176932 CHR:CHR CHR 642990 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium ellipticifolium Dixon & Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 659 1942-00-00 New Zealand Damp earth in hollow sometimes forming a small pool: in bush gully
5177030 CHR:CHR CHR 628364 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 3227 1932-08-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On log on bush floor.
5177079 CHR:CHR CHR 627400 Orthotrichaceae Ulota viridis Venturi Kenneth W. Allison 3428 1931-06-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka.
5177181 CHR:CHR CHR 628145 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium gracile (Hook.) Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 2993 1932-04-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On bark of manuka 762 - 762
5177231 CHR:CHR CHR 489316 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum subulatum (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1551 1947-06-27 New Zealand Otago Land District Stream bank, shaded by manuka
5177259 CHR:CHR CHR 613294 Leptodontaceae Leptodon smithii (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr Kenneth W. Allison 2952 1934-10-14 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on tree trunk
5177300 CHR:CHR CHR 628365 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 528 1929-04-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on log in bush
5177664 CHR:CHR CHR 626650 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 3990 1950-10-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.813 170.555 On branch of shrub in full light in scrub zone 549
5177694 CHR:CHR CHR 628790 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitt.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1647 1945-07-00 New Zealand Otago Land District
5177726 CHR:CHR CHR 527885 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon minutus Müll.Hal. & Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 770 1944-05-05 New Zealand North Auckland Land District On puriri trunk on isolated tree.
5177825 CHR:CHR CHR 626647 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1752 1947-04-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.808 170.522 On tree trunks 244
5177965 CHR:CHR CHR 579275 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-12-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.415858 170.77347 Shallow soil on limestone blocks
5178057 CHR:CHR CHR 614051 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-11-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8185 170.621 Unused gravel area round building at the docks.
5178087 CHR:CHR CHR 614333 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1940-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree fern caudex in forest.
5178158 CHR:CHR CHR 579277 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-08-17 New Zealand Otago Land District On silty base of willow on edge of a small creek in the open
5178190 CHR:CHR CHR 579286 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1965-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 on dry bare open ground
5178201 CHR:CHR CHR 528816 Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1969-08-28 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.283275 169.846933 In vegetable garden.
5178204 CHR:CHR CHR 579297 Bryaceae Bryum erythrocarpum Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-11-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On rocky, half shady damp face
5178542 CHR:CHR CHR 612352 Andreaeaceae Andreaea Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 3590 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District On bare rock 1219
5888624 CHR:CHR CHR 628933 Lembophyllaceae Camptochaete deflexa (Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 508 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On rock in damp shady gully.
5888670 CHR:CHR CHR 627380 Frullaniaceae Frullania aterrima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees Kenneth W. Allison H372 1930-10-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka bark
5144250 CHR:CHR CHR 578659 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1937-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District At edge of spring in water.
5144253 CHR:CHR CHR 531725 B Dicranaceae Dicranella cardotii (R.Br.bis) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.144118 170.257349 On hummocks in damp ground of flood plain of a stream flowing into Kyeburn R. 549
5144256 CHR:CHR CHR 465855 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta apiculata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Vitt Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.560374 168.306468 Overhanging growth. 30
5144268 CHR:CHR CHR 603632 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1948-05-06 New Zealand Otago Land District Sandy bank at stream edge under willows, subject to flooding.
5144276 CHR:CHR CHR 576241 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1952-12-05 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.0205 170.152 Swampy ground in open. 609
5144287 CHR:CHR CHR 532252 Dicranaceae Dicranella dietrichiae (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1939-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Heated soil.
5144312 CHR:CHR CHR 517030 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1945-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On tree in bush.
5144327 CHR:CHR CHR 540635 Meteoriaceae Papillaria nitens (Hook.f. & Wilson) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1943-04-08 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On tree trunk in bush
5144372 CHR:CHR CHR 524360 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma fasciatum (Hedw.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1944-03-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On earth on poor sandy ridge under open shelter of manuka.
5144401 CHR:CHR CHR 468666 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1954-06-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On rotten log in bush.
5144415 CHR:CHR CHR 563914 A Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.716474 170.569331 On rock in stream through gorge, well above water level 15
5144416 CHR:CHR CHR 563900 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii (Taylor) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-09 New Zealand Otago Land District Coastal on rocky ground facing the sea.
5144439 CHR:CHR CHR 545929 Neckeraceae Pendulothecium oblongifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Enroth & S.He Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Steep bank on earth above bush stream in heavy bush.
5144462 CHR:CHR CHR 580324 Pottiaceae Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-04-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8836 170.48 Brick wall with South exposure, Side of footpath
5144537 CHR:CHR CHR 465886 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-12-19 New Zealand -38.245371 175.740701 On very rotten log on bush floor. 457
5144539 CHR:CHR CHR 486018 A Dicranaceae Dicranella temperata Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1947-09-27 New Zealand Southland Land District Te Anau On isolated rocks in sheltered short-fern land. 198
5144573 CHR:CHR CHR 579362 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1961-07-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.283275 169.846933 On rotten stump in light shade.
5144584 CHR:CHR CHR 579094 Grimmiaceae Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-03-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Top of rock in mid-stream.
5144629 CHR:CHR CHR 531726 Dicranaceae Dicranella cardotii (R.Br.bis) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1970-07-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On damp soil above a stream on south hill side. 609
5144638 CHR:CHR CHR 609936 Bryaceae Bryum creberrimum Taylor Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.032 170.151 Swampy ground. Open flood plain of small stream, in open. 609
5144645 CHR:CHR CHR 575017 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1969-08-28 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.283275 169.846933 In vacant bare space in kitchen garden
5144687 CHR:CHR CHR 563948 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1955-08-20 New Zealand -43.806797 172.969975 On earth
5144688 CHR:CHR CHR 563962 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1946-07-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 Dry hillside under light shade of scattered manuka bushes
5144696 CHR:CHR CHR 570616 A Pottiaceae Didymodon lingulatus (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8185 170.621 On shallow soil on rocky face
5144721 CHR:CHR CHR 575027 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth. Stream bank just outside the bush. 365
5144754 CHR:CHR CHR 576705 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-08-24 New Zealand Otago Land District On bare ground in open tussock land on ridge. 457
5144767 CHR:CHR CHR 576200 Orthotrichaceae Ulota lutea (Mitt. in Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-09-30 New Zealand -38.394526 176.028994 On twigs of manuka + Dracophyllum.
5144779 CHR:CHR CHR 579506 Sematophyllaceae Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1931-01-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rotting log in bush.
5144867 CHR:CHR CHR 516961 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1944-04-10 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On tree trunk in bush.
5144885 CHR:CHR CHR 568250 Dendrocerotaceae Megaceros leptohymenius (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. Kenneth W. Allison 1939-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5144887 CHR:CHR CHR 545959 A Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 swampy open ground
5144891 CHR:CHR CHR 545931 Neckeraceae Pendulothecium oblongifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Enroth & S.He Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-02 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Amongst other mosses on rock in shady part of river.
5144905 CHR:CHR CHR 576665 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1948-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry bank under open manuka. 121
5144908 CHR:CHR CHR 489520 Grimmiaceae Grimmia trichophylla Grev. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.624648 169.66 On earth on rocky roadside face.
5144945 CHR:CHR CHR 489519 Grimmiaceae Grimmia trichophylla Grev. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-04-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 671
5144948 CHR:CHR CHR 578593 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-02-26 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rocks near the water.
5144950 CHR:CHR CHR 578611 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-29 New Zealand Otago Land District In swampy ground at roadside.
5144952 CHR:CHR CHR 578202 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1936-10-01 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In swamp. 374
5144960 CHR:CHR CHR 516507 Bryaceae Bryum algovicum var. rutheanum (Warnst.) Crundw. Kenneth W. Allison 1964-01-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.544744 170.44004 In open sand slack behind foredune.
5144962 CHR:CHR CHR 563978 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1948-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Steep dry slope under tall manuka. 152
5144984 CHR:CHR CHR 576707 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1956-08-23 New Zealand Otago Land District On flat rather bare ground amongst open trees.
5145022 CHR:CHR CHR 516773 Hypopterygiaceae Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1936-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 On earth in deep gully.
5145025 CHR:CHR CHR 547282 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka & manoao (Dracophyllum) in shade in scrub country.
5145048 CHR:CHR CHR 468776 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-05-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.341732 169.885062 On damp earth under willow trees.
5145052 CHR:CHR CHR 491666 Grimmiaceae Grimmia incrassicapsulis B.G.Bell Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.544744 170.44004 On basaltic rocks, on sheltered faces in crevices.
5145068 CHR:CHR CHR 466612 Daltoniaceae Achrophyllum dentatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Vitt & Crosby Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.560374 168.306468 On bush floor.
5145072 CHR:CHR CHR 491580 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum Timm ex Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-08 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 Side of old shallow watercourse, sheltered by willows. 15 - 31
5145080 CHR:CHR CHR 524341 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma plurisetum Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1934-02-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth amongst rocks in bush fringe just below the summit. 1097
5145098 CHR:CHR CHR 487108 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-08-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.35422 170.858287 Sheltered clay face in gully.
5145114 CHR:CHR CHR 544548 Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1937-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.316 176.384 Volcanically heated soil on side of mountain.
5145116 CHR:CHR CHR 524347 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma plurisetum Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1969-11-16 New Zealand Wellington Land District On fallen log in bush. 853
5145120 CHR:CHR CHR 576684 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-11-11 New Zealand Otago Land District On steep bank shaded by tall manuka
5145134 CHR:CHR CHR 524316 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma fasciatum (Hedw.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-03 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.1709 169.498 On rotten log in beech forest.
5145212 CHR:CHR CHR 574883 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-00-00 New Zealand Otago Land District On silt mounds between hills of stone tailings. Little vegetation.
5145222 CHR:CHR CHR 563914 C Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in stream well above water level. 15
5145227 CHR:CHR CHR 570234 Pottiaceae Trichostomopsis australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) H.Rob. Kenneth W. Allison 1960-09-24 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.7723 172.789 Open face at end of spur.
5145232 CHR:CHR CHR 490949 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-12-03 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 Open short grassland. 305
5145254 CHR:CHR CHR 570238 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On shallow soil on rock at water's edge, 4'-5' above high tide level. 4 - 5
5145259 CHR:CHR CHR 483057 Bartramiaceae Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.532577 169.928188 On earth. 761
5145275 CHR:CHR CHR 568338 Pottiaceae Barbula calycina Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District open fern slope
5145277 CHR:CHR CHR 568289 Pottiaceae Barbula unguiculata Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-08-28 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock work in open.
5145279 CHR:CHR CHR 524652 Fissidentaceae Fissidens tenellus var. tenellus Kenneth W. Allison 1953-08-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 on bare earth mounds on dry ground under tall manuka 243
5145281 CHR:CHR CHR 563977 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1945-10-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 Shallow soil on rocky face in open gully. 60
5145293 CHR:CHR CHR 578201 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1929-12-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Swamp.
5145328 CHR:CHR CHR 542707 Lembophyllaceae Fallaciella gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.671395 167.926687 Under beech forest.
5145332 CHR:CHR CHR 486074 Grimmiaceae Grimmia incrassicapsulis B.G.Bell Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.562026 170.56898 In fissures, non-sheltered faces of rocks in jumbled mass of basaltic boulders. 533
5145342 CHR:CHR CHR 545932 Neckeraceae Pendulothecium oblongifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Enroth & S.He Kenneth W. Allison 1944-09-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On root on forest floor.
5145343 CHR:CHR CHR 578060 Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-02 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Damp shady bank of Waipoua River.
5145350 CHR:CHR CHR 490320 Bryaceae Bryum mucronatum Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 Sheltered spot on hillside in tussock land. 700
5145356 CHR:CHR CHR 468772 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.532577 169.928188 Side of stream. 914
5145368 CHR:CHR CHR 454569 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum bifarium (Hook.) Manuel Kenneth W. Allison 1944-08-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On very rotten log forming mound on forest floor.
5145387 CHR:CHR CHR 516962 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1944-05-05 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On tree trunk in bush.
5145388 CHR:CHR CHR 540629 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum microcarpum (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1942-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Damp shady earth in bush
5145393 CHR:CHR CHR 428358 B Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On shallow soil, at base of willow trees. 0
5145424 CHR:CHR CHR 516466 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1970-07-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 On mossy open light tussock land in open. 610
5145442 CHR:CHR CHR 576242 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 Swampy ground , shaded by willows
5145449 CHR:CHR CHR 555674 Fissidentaceae Fissidens leptocladus var. cheesemanii Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-17 New Zealand Otago Land District In shelter of flax bush at base of cliff a few feet above high tide level.
5145466 CHR:CHR CHR 516042 Hypopterygiaceae Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1941-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 Common on bush floor in damp gullies and bottoms. 152
5145483 CHR:CHR CHR 570100 A Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On Cabbage-tree (Cordyline)
5145487 CHR:CHR CHR 161355 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium ellipticifolium Dixon & Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1943-08-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on damp ground in bush gully
5145505 CHR:CHR CHR 468780 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 Common and in quantity in parts in short grass on open dampish hillside.
5145507 CHR:CHR CHR 578210 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District Forming large patch for some chains in boggy ground of broad gully at stream hea... 792
5145538 CHR:CHR CHR 576688 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-06-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On open silt mounds between heaps of stone trailings.
5145568 CHR:CHR CHR 524653 Fissidentaceae Fissidens tenellus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1947-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On earth in bush gully.
5145573 CHR:CHR CHR 524362 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma fasciatum (Hedw.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1934-02-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rotten log at edge of beech bush. 792
5145579 CHR:CHR CHR 486028 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella pallens (Sande Lac.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1941-02-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Otanewainuku -37.949454 176.640069 On supplejack (Ripogonum) stems. 300-800 ft. altitude. 91 - 244
5145589 CHR:CHR CHR 516510 Bryaceae Bryum algovicum var. rutheanum (Warnst.) Crundw. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-12-05 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 Flood plain of a sluicing drainage creek in the open. ca 2000 ft alt. 610
5145600 CHR:CHR CHR 576697 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry clay bank in open short grassland on hillside. 60
5145652 CHR:CHR CHR 541329 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma plurisetum Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1952-07-22 New Zealand Southland Land District On floor in beech forest.
5145671 CHR:CHR CHR 576696 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-08-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.023 170.145 Bare soemwhat shaded bank
5145702 CHR:CHR CHR 548168 Splachnaceae Tayloria purpurascens (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1970-11-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.81665 170.498295 On road cutting in short vegetation in opening in bush.
5145707 CHR:CHR CHR 578796 Dicnemonaceae Dicnemon dixonianum B.H.Allen Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand -38.894164 174.594329 On tree in bush near road. 182
5145772 CHR:CHR CHR 491905 Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-12-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 Damp shade under manuka.
5145787 CHR:CHR CHR 564846 Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5145801 CHR:CHR CHR 547280 B Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1932-12-31 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On trees 914
5145825 CHR:CHR CHR 576821 Pottiaceae Hennediella serrulata (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1950-12-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On rocky hillside
5145841 CHR:CHR CHR 566356 Splachnaceae Tayloria octoblepharum (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-09-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Old decayed matter under tall manuka
5145845 CHR:CHR CHR 575012 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1959-10-08 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.531692 172.596916 On dry bare earth under tall cypress associated with other small mosses.
5145869 CHR:CHR CHR 576700 A Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-10-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.7577 176.451 on bare cliff facing the sea
5145882 CHR:CHR CHR 482758 Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-09-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.461088 167.883423 Damp ground in partial shade. 204
5145915 CHR:CHR CHR 574826 Pottiaceae Weissia patula (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1947-02-26 New Zealand Otago Land District Steep hillside, sheltered by scattered trees.
5145917 CHR:CHR CHR 602726 Amblystegiaceae Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-11-29 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 On earth on shady bank above a stream under trees & shrubs. 30 - 61
5145942 CHR:CHR CHR 563928 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1962-03-21 New Zealand Hawke's Bay Land District -39.503395 176.891261 Foreshore amongst short sparse vegetation.
5145978 CHR:CHR CHR 574856 Pottiaceae Microbryum starckeanum (Hedw.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1957-06-05 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.144118 170.257349 Growing in sparse patch of Acaulon in depleted tussock land.
5146027 CHR:CHR CHR 566352 Splachnaceae Tayloria octoblepharum (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-09-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On old decayed matter under tall manuka, open underneath.
5146047 CHR:CHR CHR 545958 B Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1932-10-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 On sphagnum mound, in swamp.
5146057 CHR:CHR CHR 545959 B Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 swampy open ground
5146068 CHR:CHR CHR 491611 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-08-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.274937 170.451768 On earth and lower tree trunk in shelter belt.
5146070 CHR:CHR CHR 566200 Pottiaceae Anoectangium bellii Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-26 New Zealand Otago Land District On wet rock face.
5146117 CHR:CHR CHR 578647 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-10 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.89 175.054 Tree bark, in bush.
5146118 CHR:CHR CHR 263442 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1939-09-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District swampy margins
5146135 CHR:CHR CHR 483033 Bartramiaceae Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1941-08-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 Damp bank in bush on roadside.
5146155 CHR:CHR CHR 487110 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-07-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.327946 169.629857 Shady bank.
5146215 CHR:CHR CHR 563967 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-18 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.776738 170.704284 On fixed dune in rough grass.
5146239 CHR:CHR CHR 454619 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1968-01-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.005109 170.463402 In damp patch on track side in short tussock. 975
5146269 CHR:CHR CHR 492962 Frullaniaceae Frullania spinifera Taylor Kenneth W. Allison 1948-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.554637 170.952053 On wood in bush remnant ½ mile from coast.
5146282 CHR:CHR CHR 468659 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-01 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.913747 170.011167 Dry shady bank.
5146318 CHR:CHR CHR 560883 Pottiaceae Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth. A J Allison 1930-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District 457
5146387 CHR:CHR CHR 490942 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1935-06-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 Open ground. 365
5146393 CHR:CHR CHR 463309 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Bush floor. 365
5146405 CHR:CHR CHR 576687 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-25 New Zealand Otago Land District Sheltered dry hillside. 60
5146431 CHR:CHR CHR 585925 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1931-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Submerged in lake.
5146458 CHR:CHR CHR 532691 Ptychomniaceae Glyphothecium sciuroides (Hook.) Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1961-03-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.57374 169.404259 On log in bush.
5146464 CHR:CHR CHR 574867 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-08-20 New Zealand Canterbury Land District On soil in open ground.
5146486 CHR:CHR CHR 564848 A Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Sandy bank in bush
5146543 CHR:CHR CHR 524338 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma platycaulon Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1948-09-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 On bush floor on dry kamahi (Weinmannia) spur. 121
5146548 CHR:CHR CHR 524317 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma menziesii (Taylor) Renauld Kenneth W. Allison 1932-12-31 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On logs in bush. 914
5146553 CHR:CHR CHR 430650 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.378324 176.206563 On rock near water level in stream; well shaded.
5146573 CHR:CHR CHR 513311 Polytrichaceae Dawsonia superba Grev. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-01-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 On dry ridge in bush.
5146590 CHR:CHR CHR 486124 Splachnaceae Tayloria purpurascens (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-11-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On old animal dung amongst low open manuka on hillside.
5146595 CHR:CHR CHR 563337 Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-12-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On wet rock on river bank.
5146623 CHR:CHR CHR 570245 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1951-08-23 New Zealand Otago Land District Cliff face, above high tide.
5146646 CHR:CHR CHR 603636 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1961-07-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On dark earth near water's edge under willows
5146659 CHR:CHR CHR 486118 Splachnaceae Tayloria octoblepharum (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-11-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On old dung on earth in short open manuka on dry hillside.
5146705 CHR:CHR CHR 579024 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree fern trunk in bush.
5146710 CHR:CHR CHR 468652 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1934-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.489613 176.668019 In bush with Chilocyphus multispinus.
5146731 CHR:CHR CHR 566164 Funariaceae Entosthodon radians (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-05-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.235 176.197 Wet stream bank, on earth.
5146735 CHR:CHR CHR 567439 Bryaceae Rosulabryum campylothecium (Taylor) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1929-03-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rocks in & near the river.
5146770 CHR:CHR CHR 578112 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-08-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District At stream edge.
5146820 CHR:CHR CHR 563903 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii (Taylor) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-22 New Zealand Shallow soil on rock in old rock pit.
5146821 CHR:CHR CHR 603641 A Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1929-07-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On wet ground in open.
5146832 CHR:CHR CHR 578601 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1914-07-26 New Zealand Wellington Land District Submerged in lake
5146846 CHR:CHR CHR 570162 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subcylindricum (Broth. ex. M.Fleisch) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1933-11-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On bark of shrub. 762
5146861 CHR:CHR CHR 532054 Dicranaceae Holomitrium perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-12-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On rock.
5146863 CHR:CHR CHR 607604 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia sarmentosa (Wahlenb.) Hedenäs Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District Edge of pool above the hut 1310
5146866 CHR:CHR CHR 463294 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-05-01 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.845749 173.546516 Kauri forest.
5146885 CHR:CHR CHR 576825 Pottiaceae Hennediella serrulata (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On side of gorge.
5146892 CHR:CHR CHR 468660 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-01 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.643894 170.024567 Partly shaded by shrub, on shallow soil on rock.
5146894 CHR:CHR CHR 468738 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On bare rock above a stream at bush edge with Sematophyllum tenuirostre.
5146902 CHR:CHR CHR 555819 Ptychomniaceae Cladomnion ericoides (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1946-12-30 New Zealand Otago Land District Common in bush on tree trunks.
5146907 CHR:CHR CHR 576902 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum australe Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 Bog just north of the Trig.
5146929 CHR:CHR CHR 524357 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1946-10-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On earth.
5146931 CHR:CHR CHR 490910 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 Steep bank of small gully on summit with Conostomum. 760
5146947 CHR:CHR CHR 542716 Ptychomniaceae Tetraphidopsis pusilla (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1942-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On Ripogonum scandens stem 4-5 feet from the ground in bush gully
5146986 CHR:CHR CHR 492586 Frullaniaceae Frullania falciloba Lehm. Kenneth W. Allison 1971-05-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.544744 170.44004 On rock in deep gully, sheltered and shaded. In deteriorated tussock grassland. ...
5146995 CHR:CHR CHR 466897 Daltoniaceae Achrophyllum quadrifarium (Sm.) Vitt & Crosby Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On earth, sides of wet bush gully. 182
5146999 CHR:CHR CHR 557007 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1942-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On wet bank in shade.
5147001 CHR:CHR CHR 516211 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium didictyon Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-02-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 On rotten log in bush. 792
5147019 CHR:CHR CHR 555787 Ptychomniaceae Cladomnion ericoides (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1944-05-06 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest.
5147052 CHR:CHR CHR 532345 B Dicranaceae Dicranella jamesonii (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-09-13 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Wet clay bank. 305
5147064 CHR:CHR CHR 480814 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta flexicollis (Mitt.) Vitt Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On rotten wood.
5147112 CHR:CHR CHR 545159 B Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District shady bank, on earth
5147137 CHR:CHR CHR 545955 A Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1939-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On old "nigger-head" (Carex) mound in swamp
5147185 CHR:CHR CHR 491609 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 On tree bark in shade and well sheltered. 610
5147203 CHR:CHR CHR 483011 Bartramiaceae Philonotis scabrifolia (Hook.f. & Wilson) Braithw. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-12-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Damp bank above swampy hollow. 517
5147255 CHR:CHR CHR 606449 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-08 New Zealand Otago Land District Swampy ground under tall willows
5147279 CHR:CHR CHR 570251 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8185 170.621 On earth on face of cliff in shade.
5147283 CHR:CHR CHR 555868 Ptychomniaceae Glyphothecium sciuroides (Hook.) Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-16 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -42.378934 172.399329 On beech tree trunks in forest. 883
5147284 CHR:CHR CHR 454743 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum cristatum Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1932-07-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 In open bog.
5147306 CHR:CHR CHR 490297 Bryaceae Bryum crassum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1933-05-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Swampy ground.
5147341 CHR:CHR CHR 480496 Bartramiaceae Conostomum curvirostrum (Mitt.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 On open bare ground on ridge below Mount Ida. 1066
5147369 CHR:CHR CHR 541601 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1932-01-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On trees in bush.
5147390 CHR:CHR CHR 555976 Fissidentaceae Fissidens leptocladus var. cheesemanii Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8185 170.621 At base of shady cliff.
5147399 CHR:CHR CHR 487067 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-05 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.928907 175.027704 On earth on damp bank.
5147409 CHR:CHR CHR 573815 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-10-17 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry slope close to tall cypress hedge. 274
5147417 CHR:CHR CHR 482237 Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-05-19 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 In swamp.
5147427 CHR:CHR CHR 576670 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1949-08-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 Sheltered dry slope surrounded by tall cypress hedge.
5147450 CHR:CHR CHR 543122 A Dicranaceae Campylopodium medium (Duby) Giese & J.-P.Frahm Kenneth W. Allison 1938-06-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.316 176.384 On damp warm volcanically heated soil
5147466 CHR:CHR CHR 480518 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pusillum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1950-01-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Open spaces in tussock. 517
5147470 CHR:CHR CHR 575069 Notothyladaceae Phaeoceros coriaceus (Steph.) E.O.Campb. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Rock Face 609
5147473 CHR:CHR CHR 480501 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pentastichum (Brid.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-03-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 On summit rocks. 1096
5147494 CHR:CHR CHR 516045 Hypopterygiaceae Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1942-02-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 On bush floor.
5147508 CHR:CHR CHR 491610 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-07-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.979519 170.790557 On limestone boulders; on sheltered shady sides of large boulders.
5147515 CHR:CHR CHR 480511 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pusillum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1935-10-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.489613 176.668019 Open roadside.
5147518 CHR:CHR CHR 485644 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum cristatum Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1947-03-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 Open bog. 400
5147519 CHR:CHR CHR 576678 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-15 New Zealand Wellington Land District -41.341934 174.771544 On coastal cliff with Barbula australasiaeOn coastal cliff
5147525 CHR:CHR CHR 429100 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1972-02-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On sheltered hummock of drained swamp, in open. 610
5147531 CHR:CHR CHR 540643 Racopilaceae Racopilum strumiferum (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1970-11-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814257 170.493832 On earth in bush, above a creek.
5147544 CHR:CHR CHR 524470 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum rupestre Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On rock on steep face in the Pass.
5147549 CHR:CHR CHR 555471 Bryaceae Rosulabryum campylothecium (Taylor) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1947-11-30 New Zealand Otago Land District Sandy ground on stable dune.
5147565 CHR:CHR CHR 585924 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.136689 176.234345 In marshy area
5147582 CHR:CHR CHR 562299 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Jur. Kenneth W. Allison 1943-08-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth in hollow in bush gully
5147614 CHR:CHR CHR 563336 B Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-04-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Sandy beach of stream
5147623 CHR:CHR CHR 477817 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-09-28 New Zealand Southland Land District -45.461088 167.883423 On lower tree trunk. 204
5147637 CHR:CHR CHR 577764 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma robustum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1965-07-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.7944 170.477031 On boggy ground on margin of Sphagnum bog. 609
5147664 CHR:CHR CHR 532692 A Ditrichaceae Pleuridium nervosum (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1938-09-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.531178 176.572378 Disused track on low ground. 487
5147679 CHR:CHR CHR 579003 Bryaceae Bryum capillare Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1956-07-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.342127 169.302664 Open ground on slope sheltered by tall rock.
5147680 CHR:CHR CHR 454610 Rhizogoniaceae Rhizogonium novae-hollandiae (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On rotten log in bush.
5147704 CHR:CHR CHR 557010 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District Creek bank in heavily shaded gully. 182
5147705 CHR:CHR CHR 606446 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-02-26 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rocks above water
5147732 CHR:CHR CHR 528815 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-10 New Zealand Marlborough Land District -42.4783 173.53 open grassy area near the beach.
5147739 CHR:CHR CHR 563308 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry ground on steep slope under very open & scattered manuka. 182
5147740 CHR:CHR CHR 563310 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-04-11 New Zealand Otago Land District Base of rocky slope on earth with Ceratodon
5147748 CHR:CHR CHR 568241 Dendrocerotaceae Megaceros flagellaris (Mitt.) Steph. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-10-00 New Zealand North Auckland Land District Shady wet side of drain.
5147754 CHR:CHR CHR 608261 Daltoniaceae Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.39501 176.032907 Twigs of Cyathodes acerosa 304
5147794 CHR:CHR CHR 568317 Pottiaceae Barbula calycina Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1927-10-22 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On earth in dry open place. 304
5147799 CHR:CHR CHR 564031 Dicranaceae Campylopus bicolor (Müll.Hal.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1947-01-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 Wet bog on summit of Range 853 - 884
5147834 CHR:CHR CHR 486474 Polytrichaceae Dawsonia superba Grev. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-11-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Dry ridge in bush. Altitude about 488m.
5147847 CHR:CHR CHR 524342 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma plurisetum Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1934-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth on dry ridge under open Weinmannia bush. 762
5147849 CHR:CHR CHR 606459 B Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1934-01-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Rotten log. 762
5147916 CHR:CHR CHR 516447 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On earth in bush.
5147918 CHR:CHR CHR 516397 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.9632 176.185197 On bush floor.
5147921 CHR:CHR CHR 576668 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1953-07-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.094911 170.969245 Bare open ground.
5147925 CHR:CHR CHR 570268 Dicranaceae Kiaeria pumila (Mitt.) Ochyra Kenneth W. Allison 1947-04-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On top of rock in stream, fairly open & above water level.
5147927 CHR:CHR CHR 563923 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1958-10-08 New Zealand Otago Land District Rather shady steep rocky face above the creek.
5147963 CHR:CHR CHR 563989 Leucobryaceae Leucobryum Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1942-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5147977 CHR:CHR CHR 454612 Rhizogoniaceae Rhizogonium novae-hollandiae (Brid.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.560374 168.306468 On rotten standing stump in bush.
5148015 CHR:CHR CHR 568408 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium asperipes (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1954-06-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 on earh on rather dry ridge in light bush
5148018 CHR:CHR CHR 566234 Dendrocerotaceae Dendroceros validus Steph. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-11-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On Panax trunk in light bush. 762
5148026 CHR:CHR CHR 602761 Leucobryaceae Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 On earth in bush near road. 182
5148040 CHR:CHR CHR 489342 Fissidentaceae Fissidens epiphytus Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1958-12-06 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.545687 169.313536 On shallow soil on rock in dry habitat overhung by rock face, with Funaria hygro...
5148057 CHR:CHR CHR 532213 Dicranaceae Dicranella vaginata var. clathrata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1945-04-16 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Damp shady roadside drain-side.
5148069 CHR:CHR CHR 491606 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.274937 170.451768 Crevices rocky top of a conicle hill. Elevation 480-550 metres.
5148105 CHR:CHR CHR 556049 Neckeraceae Thamnobryum pandum (Hook.f. & Wilson) I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-31 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 Common on rock on stream bed & sides. 609
5148116 CHR:CHR CHR 540644 Racopilaceae Racopilum strumiferum (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1970-11-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814257 170.493832 On earth in bush, above a creek.
5148128 CHR:CHR CHR 574874 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-08-11 New Zealand Canterbury Land District Old bare ploughed field on open slope
5148187 CHR:CHR CHR 576685 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-11-30 New Zealand Otago Land District Amongst mosses on Ngaio trees & on cliff face behind these. Stable dune ...
5148206 CHR:CHR CHR 454226 Fissidentaceae Fissidens epiphytus Allison Kenneth W. Allison 1955-12-06 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.545687 169.313536 In shallow soil on rock in dry habitat, overhung by rock face. Growing with Funa...
5148216 CHR:CHR CHR 487092 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-13 New Zealand Marlborough Land District Shady roadside bank through bush.
5148266 CHR:CHR CHR 243432 Neckeraceae Pendulothecium punctatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Enroth & S.He Kenneth W. Allison 1941-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5148280 CHR:CHR CHR 491607 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-05-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 On lower trunk of a cypress.
5148302 CHR:CHR CHR 608262 Daltoniaceae Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.39501 176.032907 Twigs of Cyathea acerosa 304
5148310 CHR:CHR CHR 576698 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1971-05-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5462 170.44 Open steep hill face below a rock outcrop in a bare patch of soil in deterioirat... 762
5148356 CHR:CHR CHR 517027 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1963-09-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On steep bank above the road in bush.
5148421 CHR:CHR CHR 602762 Leucobryaceae Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-04 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 on forest floor. 182
5148436 CHR:CHR CHR 532038 Dicranaceae Holomitrium perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-08-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On mound of rotten wood, at base of tree in bush.
5148464 CHR:CHR CHR 466199 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-09-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On vertical rock wall in deep bush gully over water.
5148491 CHR:CHR CHR 574830 Pottiaceae Hymenostomum R.Br. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-09-13 New Zealand North Auckland Land District In soil with Hedwigia, but in more shade
5148513 CHR:CHR CHR 466399 Daltoniaceae Achrophyllum dentatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Vitt & Crosby Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On earth and rotten log in bush.
5148533 CHR:CHR CHR 578484 Daltoniaceae Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On short manuka bark, near the ground. 1000
5148544 CHR:CHR CHR 487107 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-09-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.088711 170.170002 Wet shady bank.
5148549 CHR:CHR CHR 570680 Pottiaceae Didymodon weymouthii (R.Br.bis) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District Damp shady face on earth. 487
5148550 CHR:CHR CHR 463307 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Log, gully.
5148573 CHR:CHR CHR 529963 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum difficile (Duby) M.Fleisch. Leona M Allison 1946-08-00 New Zealand Hawke's Bay Land District -39.313792 176.247381 Altitude 3000 - 4000 ft. asl. 910
5148601 CHR:CHR CHR 487104 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1969-04-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.327946 169.629857 On silty shady river bank under willows.
5148715 CHR:CHR CHR 510543 Grimmiaceae Bucklandiella curiosissima (Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra Kenneth W. Allison 1965-07-03 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On large rock by roadside.
5148766 CHR:CHR CHR 482768 Bartramiaceae Breutelia affinis (Hook.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-07 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -42.601205 172.512505 On stony open soil above a stream.
5148795 CHR:CHR CHR 482996 Bartramiaceae Philonotis australis A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-13 New Zealand Westland Land District -44.169451 169.497815 On wet roadside bank.
5148817 CHR:CHR CHR 574866 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1959-10-09 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.788 172.445 With Pottia on earth on bank in open.
5148842 CHR:CHR CHR 69038 B Bruchiaceae Trematodon suberectus Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1940-11-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Bush clearing in road cutting
5148852 CHR:CHR CHR 576671 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1946-09-16 New Zealand Otago Land District Open dry sandy glat above the river.
5148872 CHR:CHR CHR 542701 Lembophyllaceae Fallaciella gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1947-04-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.914 169.987 On rock on floor of dry gully under beech forest.
5148901 CHR:CHR CHR 433071 Funariaceae Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 Sheltered creek bank. 400 ft. 120
5148931 CHR:CHR CHR 577983 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-14 New Zealand Otago Land District In earth under willows
5148947 CHR:CHR CHR 576822 Pottiaceae Hennediella serrulata (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1946-08-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On silty willow trunk in grove of willows on low ground.
5148955 CHR:CHR CHR 557008 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-05-05 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On stones: submerged in running stream.
5148958 CHR:CHR CHR 576704 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-11-03 New Zealand Otago Land District Steep open slope.
5148967 CHR:CHR CHR 570099 Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth: heavy fern hillside under clump of manuka
5148968 CHR:CHR CHR 570101 Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Ad truncos casos putrescentesRamosque aequos viventes,In sylva
5149006 CHR:CHR CHR 574822 Pottiaceae Weissia patula (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1950-11-16 New Zealand Otago Land District Growing on same shady creek bank.
5149018 CHR:CHR CHR 524359 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1947-09-27 New Zealand Southland Land District Forming wide patches on rocky soil on slope under beech trees. 204
5149037 CHR:CHR CHR 604417 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.247 175.74 In boggy ground at side of waterfall. 304
5149038 CHR:CHR CHR 578200 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In sphagnum swamp.
5149052 CHR:CHR CHR 579508 Sematophyllaceae Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1931-07-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On rotten log in bush. 487
5149101 CHR:CHR CHR 491524 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum Timm ex Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.532577 169.928188 Edge of pool in open gully. 1310
5149165 CHR:CHR CHR 566336 Pottiaceae Leptodontium interruptum (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On shallow soil on sheltered rock at edge of Triquetrella curvifolia patch
5149175 CHR:CHR CHR 463308 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. Leona M Allison 1947-09-00 New Zealand Westland Land District -43.374047 170.037824 Earth.
5149196 CHR:CHR CHR 468769 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-01 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.913747 170.011167 In shallow water at edge of creek.
5149197 CHR:CHR CHR 468774 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-08-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 In worn out pasture on damp sheltered hillside. 60
5149210 CHR:CHR CHR 566339 Pottiaceae Leptodontium interruptum (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1965-07-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On sandy short grassland behind dunes adjacent pasture land.
5149213 CHR:CHR CHR 489313 Polytrichaceae Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1970-11-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.81665 170.498295 Open roadside bank amoungst short open vegetation
5149227 CHR:CHR CHR 548029 Grimmiaceae Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. & Sowerby Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-26 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock
5149242 CHR:CHR CHR 464341 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-04-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 Shady, spring, running water. 548
5149244 CHR:CHR CHR 573809 B Pottiaceae Microbryum starckeanum (Hedw.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1949-04-11 New Zealand Otago Land District Silty flat on bench above stream. On bare patches.
5149304 CHR:CHR CHR 560929 Pottiaceae Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-12-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.415858 170.77347 Mouth of cave, damp & shaded, in limestone face, on earth. 300 - 400
5149365 CHR:CHR CHR 560930 Pottiaceae Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-10-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth under manuka in gully.
5149404 CHR:CHR CHR 576663 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1951-06-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry sheltered slope
5149405 CHR:CHR CHR 605508 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott Kenneth W. Allison 1947-04-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in Waipori R. [River]
5149446 CHR:CHR CHR 499827 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1944-03-28 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 Hillside bog, at damp edge.
5149451 CHR:CHR CHR 491614 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On lower willow trunks, apparently sometimes covered by floods; in grove on swam...
5149462 CHR:CHR CHR 576485 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1932-11-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 Base of rotten stump near edge of open bush.
5149495 CHR:CHR CHR 465897 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-15 New Zealand Nelson Land District -41.787854 172.037663 On wet roadside bank in beech forest.
5149514 CHR:CHR CHR 468664 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 Sandy ground near edge of small creek in opening in pine plantation. 639
5149534 CHR:CHR CHR 468756 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.245371 175.740701 On wet roadside bank.
5149567 CHR:CHR CHR 574871 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-00-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry slope with Pottia.
5149622 CHR:CHR CHR 513185 Polytrichaceae Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1919-09-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 Bush on ground.
5149638 CHR:CHR CHR 568321 A Pottiaceae Barbula calycina Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In sand dune hollow.
5149653 CHR:CHR CHR 576820 Pottiaceae Hennediella serrulata (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-09 New Zealand Otago Land District Coastal rock on ground level facing the sea, on shallow soil.
5149669 CHR:CHR CHR 585946 B Dicranaceae Dicranoloma dicarpum (Nees) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1934-02-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.881 176.37 Floor of beech forest. 792 - 823
5149746 CHR:CHR CHR 480520 Bartramiaceae Conostomum curvirostrum (Mitt.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-10-08 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.274937 170.451768 On bank above the creek. 609
5149747 CHR:CHR CHR 480523 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pusillum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-10-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.245371 175.740701 On shallow soil on rock.
5149758 CHR:CHR CHR 499635 Funariaceae Entosthodon radians (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-03-07 New Zealand Taranaki Land District Egmont -39.086321 173.924059 On Sub-Shady Earth Bank: Dry.
5149759 CHR:CHR CHR 570102 B Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-02-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on bark
5149780 CHR:CHR CHR 490933 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On earth in open.
5149782 CHR:CHR CHR 575045 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry open but sheltered slope.
5149783 CHR:CHR CHR 490936 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1934-01-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.773601 176.2222 Amongst sparse manuka on hillside. 760
5149784 CHR:CHR CHR 412909 Frullaniaceae Frullania aterrima var. lepida E.A.Hodgs. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-02-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 Highland.
5149792 CHR:CHR CHR 454595 Rhizogoniaceae Rhizogonium distichum (Sw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-03-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On very rotten log on forest floor.
5149837 CHR:CHR CHR 516141 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium rotulatum (Hedw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On dripping face of steep bush gully.
5149846 CHR:CHR CHR 573761 B Seligeriaceae Blindia magellanica Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in stream
5149854 CHR:CHR CHR 570683 B Pottiaceae Didymodon weymouthii (R.Br.bis) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.8935 174.596 Damp bank on roadside. 182
5149864 CHR:CHR CHR 602710 B Grimmiaceae Racomitrium ptychophyllum (Mitt.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-01-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 On earth in open 853
5149872 CHR:CHR CHR 570226 B Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1930-08-00 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.88 174.875 Bricks at edge of path, in shade
5149876 CHR:CHR CHR 545958 A Dicranaceae Campylopus pallidus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1932-10-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On sphagnum mound in bog. 289
5149885 CHR:CHR CHR 543122 B Dicranaceae Campylopodium medium (Duby) Giese & J.-P.Frahm Kenneth W. Allison 1938-06-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.316 176.384 Damp warm thermal soil
5149894 CHR:CHR CHR 516058 Hypopterygiaceae Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1946-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On earth in bush gully on stream bank. 76
5149895 CHR:CHR CHR 516446 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On earth in damp bush gully.
5149952 CHR:CHR CHR 492904 Frullaniaceae Frullania scandens Mont. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-12-29 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On manuka. 610
5149970 CHR:CHR CHR 570692 Pottiaceae Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches. Kenneth W. Allison 1969-09-11 New Zealand Otago Land District At base of basalt face on roadside.
5149983 CHR:CHR CHR 563932 A Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1932-01-00 New Zealand On base of rock in open. 289
5150009 CHR:CHR CHR 583164 Pottiaceae Syntrichia anderssonii (Ångstr.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On rock, in shallow soil. 914
5150023 CHR:CHR CHR 609474 Dicnemonaceae Dicnemon dixonianum B.H.Allen Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-06 New Zealand On tree in beech forest. 1066
5150066 CHR:CHR CHR 566072 Grimmiaceae Schistidium rivulare var. rivulare (Brid.) Podp. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On shady rock at stream edge
5150068 CHR:CHR CHR 566276 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum crassifolium subsp. crassifolium Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-28 New Zealand Otago Land District On bare sloping rock, 6-8 ft above high tide level
5150069 CHR:CHR CHR 490912 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1969-01-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.341732 169.885062 On open coastal cliff, sheltered by overhang facing the sea with drip from above...
5150070 CHR:CHR CHR 491593 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On trunk of Cupressus macrocarpa.
5150098 CHR:CHR CHR 574818 Pottiaceae Weissia patula (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-11 New Zealand Marlborough Land District On sheltered limestone cliff-face
5150146 CHR:CHR CHR 602805 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.964485 169.972148 Damp swampy ground in open gully or basin on hillside.
5150210 CHR:CHR CHR 524358 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-31 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.608145 168.343052 In bush on earth.
5150214 CHR:CHR CHR 537181 Lembophyllaceae Fallaciella robusta Tangney & Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.671395 167.926687 On floor of beech forest.
5150243 CHR:CHR CHR 564849 A Fissidentaceae Fissidens capitatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On earth mound in bush.
5150249 CHR:CHR CHR 491617 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On willow trunks.
5150251 CHR:CHR CHR 491624 Ditrichaceae Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.) Bom. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 On sheltered ledges under overhanging banks etc. on steep face of a wide gully i... 1066
5150268 CHR:CHR CHR 477809 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-09-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 On dry bank in pine forest in an opening in the canopy. 609
5150275 CHR:CHR CHR 583158 Pottiaceae Syntrichia anderssonii (Ångstr.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1955-04-28 New Zealand Canterbury Land District Bank of terrace above a stream; shaded & well sheltered.
5150303 CHR:CHR CHR 524361 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma fasciatum (Hedw.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1931-08-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On prostrate dead fern tree trunk. 487
5150318 CHR:CHR CHR 535845 Dicranaceae Holomitrium perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-04-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On top of old fence post on track side.
5150375 CHR:CHR CHR 491625 Ditrichaceae Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.) Bom. & Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 On sheltered ledges under overhanging banks, on steep dry sides of wide gully in...
5150390 CHR:CHR CHR 570145 Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On rotten wook in bush
5150408 CHR:CHR CHR 575312 Ptychomniaceae Tetraphidopsis pusilla (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On Aristotelia bark 487
5150425 CHR:CHR CHR 579012 Grimmiaceae Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1959-10-09 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.788 172.445 On rock on steep face.
5150426 CHR:CHR CHR 579017 Grimmiaceae Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-28 New Zealand Otago Land District On damp rock.
5150488 CHR:CHR CHR 477812 A Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-06-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On mounds of earth on small ridge in light open bush.
5150523 CHR:CHR CHR 482230 Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.652739 167.954128 On wet exposed cliff face with other bryophytes forming a thick covering.
5150527 CHR:CHR CHR 465885 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1940-10-30 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 Floor of damp gully in bush.
5150545 CHR:CHR CHR 576655 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1949-09-28 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry sloping ground sheltered by tall sypress hedge. 274
5150560 CHR:CHR CHR 513187 Polytrichaceae Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-12-31 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Steep side of a peak on forest floor. 915
5150565 CHR:CHR CHR 578632 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1932-01-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.968245 177.052503 on "tutu" trunk on stable dune.
5150608 CHR:CHR CHR 547290 A Ptychomniaceae Hampeella pallens (Sande Lac.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1940-12-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On "lawyer" (Rubus) vines ca 1" diameter. Broad bush gully, open ...
5150616 CHR:CHR CHR 575018 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1967-08-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.283275 169.846933 On shallow bare soil in vegetable garden at base of corrugated iron wind-break
5150638 CHR:CHR CHR 566389 Bryaceae Rosulabryum subtomentosum (Hampe) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-30 New Zealand Otago Land District open depleted tussock land. 396
5150641 CHR:CHR CHR 566410 Bryaceae Rosulabryum subtomentosum (Hampe) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Open swampy ground. 304
5150644 CHR:CHR CHR 557320 Pottiaceae Weissia austrocrispa (Beckett) I.G.Stone Kenneth W. Allison 1950-08-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Bare sloping ground in shelter of tall hedge with other small mosses. 243
5150656 CHR:CHR CHR 487037 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.378324 176.206563 Shady bank. 488
5150675 CHR:CHR CHR 548026 Grimmiaceae Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. & Sowerby Kenneth W. Allison 1946-04-14 New Zealand Otago Land District Brick wall with south exposure.
5150754 CHR:CHR CHR 532040 Dicranaceae Holomitrium perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-03-24 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On tree trunk in forest.
5150755 CHR:CHR CHR 566167 Funariaceae Entosthodon subnudus var. gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1944-09-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 Poor open dry hillside amongst very short & sparse vegetation.
5150760 CHR:CHR CHR 567579 Bruchiaceae Trematodon suberectus Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On shaded nearly bare earth aboe a creek 289
5150767 CHR:CHR CHR 566278 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum crassifolium subsp. crassifolium Kenneth W. Allison 1946-09-16 New Zealand Otago Land District Amongst a liverwort (Lophocolea sp.) on a sandy beach.
5150771 CHR:CHR CHR 570622 Pottiaceae Didymodon lingulatus (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-03-05 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 Damp bank on earth above a stream under heavy growth.
5150787 CHR:CHR CHR 454552 C Rhizogoniaceae Cryptopodium bartramioides (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Tree trunks in gully
5150798 CHR:CHR CHR 490298 Bryaceae Bryum crassum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1932-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On ground, open places.
5150799 CHR:CHR CHR 490301 Bryaceae Bryum duriusculum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1930-05-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Hillocks in swamp burnt a year earlier.
5150802 CHR:CHR CHR 570079 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium ellipticifolium Dixon & Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1943-08-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On damp ground in bush gully.
5150825 CHR:CHR CHR 579355 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1949-10-06 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.75104 170.571559 on very rotten log in coastal bush.
5150833 CHR:CHR CHR 563307 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-06-22 New Zealand Otago Land District On low ground; silt mounds between hills of stony tailings.
5150836 CHR:CHR CHR 563416 Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Leona M Allison 1947-12-06 New Zealand Southland Land District On tree roots close to river.
5150844 CHR:CHR CHR 490282 Bryaceae Rosulabryum J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1929-11-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Open tussock land.
5150845 CHR:CHR CHR 490283 Bryaceae Bryum crassum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-08-28 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Open land.
5150863 CHR:CHR CHR 555435 Bryaceae Bryum caespiticium Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1938-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7752 176.222 Open tussock land
5150871 CHR:CHR CHR 462067 Pottiaceae Tortula acaulon (With.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1949-04-01 New Zealand Otago Land District silty flat on bench above stream, on bare patches 274
5150889 CHR:CHR CHR 516400 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1943-12-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 On bush floor
5150899 CHR:CHR CHR 557323 Pottiaceae Weissia austrocrispa (Beckett) I.G.Stone Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth under willows & lupins welll above river level.
5150946 CHR:CHR CHR 567580 Bruchiaceae Trematodon suberectus Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1942-12-01 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On old bush roadway.
5150983 CHR:CHR CHR 454552 A Rhizogoniaceae Cryptopodium bartramioides (Hook.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-06-17 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On tree trunk in bush gully.
5150988 CHR:CHR CHR 516401 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1927-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On bush floor.
5151011 CHR:CHR CHR 578335 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.671395 167.926687 On earth in beech forest.
5151017 CHR:CHR CHR 578654 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1929-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Puddles and holes at edge of swamp.
5151024 CHR:CHR CHR 575311 Ptychomniaceae Tetraphidopsis pusilla (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On Aristotelia bark, in bush gully 487
5151043 CHR:CHR CHR 555838 Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-13 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On bark of Pittosporum tenuifolium at bush edge.
5151075 CHR:CHR CHR 563309 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-29 New Zealand Otago Land District Open grassland on dry slope
5151099 CHR:CHR CHR 570225 A Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 Rather shady roadside bank. 182
5151101 CHR:CHR CHR 516748 Bryaceae Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1946-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 Open swamp, c. 20 ft. alt. 6
5151102 CHR:CHR CHR 555840 Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1935-04-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7321 176.153 On trunks of shrubs. 670
5151143 CHR:CHR CHR 606456 B Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1929-03-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Bark at base of manuka
5151177 CHR:CHR CHR 566168 Funariaceae Entosthodon subnudus var. gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1944-07-27 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.6159 173.5 On earth mound near bush edge.
5151279 CHR:CHR CHR 560888 Pottiaceae Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth. A J Allison | Kenneth W. Allison 1930-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5151351 CHR:CHR CHR 466206 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta flexicollis (Mitt.) Vitt Kenneth W. Allison 1949-10-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 On low rock in gully in light bush.
5151365 CHR:CHR CHR 466732 Daltoniaceae Achrophyllum quadrifarium (Sm.) Vitt & Crosby Kenneth W. Allison 1930-12-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On rotten log in bush. 457
5151406 CHR:CHR CHR 570160 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subcylindricum (Broth. ex. M.Fleisch) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1935-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7321 176.153 In light bush
5151445 CHR:CHR CHR 567586 Bruchiaceae Trematodon suberectus Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1968-12-26 New Zealand Otago Land District Damp sloping side of open drain
5151479 CHR:CHR CHR 578239 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.812202 170.550558 On stones at + just above water level in small sheltered stream 365
5151500 CHR:CHR CHR 576669 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-12 New Zealand Otago Land District Open sandy sheltered sloping bare patch on bank of stream.
5151535 CHR:CHR CHR 433062 Meesiaceae Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-02-22 New Zealand Otago Land District In swamp in open 610
5151541 CHR:CHR CHR 579253 A Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1924-06-24 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Bare earth on old campsite.
5151578 CHR:CHR CHR 516755 Hypopterygiaceae Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1944-08-16 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 On rotten tree fern trunk in bush.
5151609 CHR:CHR CHR 516979 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On tree trunks.
5151610 CHR:CHR CHR 516985 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-01 New Zealand Wellington Land District -40.146871 175.347702 On bark.
5151616 CHR:CHR CHR 578197 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitt.) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1929-09-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In swamp
5151622 CHR:CHR CHR 493069 Frullaniaceae Frullania fugax var. media E.A.Hodgs. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-03-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On manuka bark. 549
5151624 CHR:CHR CHR 454729 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.692461 168.96155 On old rubbish-fire site.
5151678 CHR:CHR CHR 578657 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1930-04-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In swamp
5151700 CHR:CHR CHR 483059 Bartramiaceae Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-24 New Zealand Southland Land District -44.652739 167.954128 On drain edge at forest margin.
5151770 CHR:CHR CHR 540648 Funariaceae Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe Kenneth W. Allison 1958-05-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 Rather shady swampy ground.
5151772 CHR:CHR CHR 490909 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1972-02-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Swamp on clay patches, sheltered by grasses, rushes and small shrubs in rough gr... 610
5151774 CHR:CHR CHR 490938 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On earth amongst grass on dry knoll.
5151825 CHR:CHR CHR 532245 Dicranaceae Dicranella gracillima (Beckett) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-22 New Zealand Otago Land District Open clay bank of large drain.
5151842 CHR:CHR CHR 570244 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1963-08-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On concrete work in shady valley.
5151843 CHR:CHR CHR 579182 B Bryaceae Bryum clavatum (Schimp.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-05 New Zealand Wellington Land District Base of dripping cliff on roadside
5151896 CHR:CHR CHR 542612 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1969-11-16 New Zealand Wellington Land District On log on forest floor. 853
5151899 CHR:CHR CHR 577998 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1936-09-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Shady damp violet bed.
5151913 CHR:CHR CHR 575036 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth on river bank under broom & willowsGrowing with Astomum.
5151914 CHR:CHR CHR 580251 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1946-12-20 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth mound formed by roots of blown-down willow tree in swampy hollow, wet i... 30 - 31
5151919 CHR:CHR CHR 579205 Bryaceae Bryum clavatum (Schimp.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-25 New Zealand Otago Land District in boggy ground near lake edge with other short vegetation
5151921 CHR:CHR CHR 609928 Bryaceae Bryum clavatum (Schimp.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-12-23 New Zealand Otago Land District On shallow soil on rock at stream edge.
5151952 CHR:CHR CHR 579098 Grimmiaceae Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-03-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.247 175.74 On top of rock in midstream.
5151956 CHR:CHR CHR 557316 Pottiaceae Weissia austrocrispa (Beckett) I.G.Stone Kenneth W. Allison 1951-06-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 On dry well sheltered nearly bare slope.
5151975 CHR:CHR CHR 580262 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-28 New Zealand Otago Land District
5152022 CHR:CHR CHR 576832 Pottiaceae Hennediella serrulata (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1949-03-31 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry bank under manuka.
5152095 CHR:CHR CHR 540616 Grimmiaceae Grimmia incrassicapsulis B.G.Bell Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5656 170.574 On rock. 533
5152096 CHR:CHR CHR 540623 Leptodontaceae Leptodon smithii (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr Kenneth W. Allison 1953-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District Bush and tree trunk.
5152097 CHR:CHR CHR 540797 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-10-05 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.9342 170.43
5152124 CHR:CHR CHR 507440 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum falcatulum Besch. HK Allison New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765
5152148 CHR:CHR CHR 606457 B Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Fallen log
5152154 CHR:CHR CHR 483010 Bartramiaceae Philonotis scabrifolia (Hook.f. & Wilson) Braithw. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-15 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 Sheltered southern hillside on damp banks.
5152174 CHR:CHR CHR 487047 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.378324 176.206563 Rock in stream, well shaded.
5152188 CHR:CHR CHR 566138 A Gigaspermaceae Gigaspermum repens (Hook.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-07-29 New Zealand Otago Land District on shallow layer of soil on top of flat limestone block in open but sheltered si...
5152210 CHR:CHR CHR 524779 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma plurisetum Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1947-01-24 New Zealand Southland Land District Forming large cushions on beech forest floor.
5152243 CHR:CHR CHR 513188 Polytrichaceae Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1933-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Bush floor, on side of spur, top of range. 760
5152272 CHR:CHR CHR 482253 Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.336425 175.319905 On wet bank. 487
5152287 CHR:CHR CHR 605573 A Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1927-10-22 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On sticks + dead flax in swamp 274
5152289 CHR:CHR CHR 490500 Bryaceae Bryum appressifolium Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-22 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 On damp ground.
5152373 CHR:CHR CHR 563917 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1954-02-18 New Zealand Otago Land District Rather sheltered hillside in tussock land. 701
5152374 CHR:CHR CHR 563920 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1969-09-11 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth on basal rock on roadside.
5152382 CHR:CHR CHR 566124 B Dicranaceae Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On planks of wooden pier.
5152387 CHR:CHR CHR 493056 Frullaniaceae Frullania fugax var. media E.A.Hodgs. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-05-15 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On manuka.
5152396 CHR:CHR CHR 563918 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1952-02-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On sandy terrace above the river, under willows.
5152448 CHR:CHR CHR 560896 Pottiaceae Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-02-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on bush floor on "punga" trunk 487
5152469 CHR:CHR CHR 540647 Hypnaceae Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) S.He Kenneth W. Allison 1942-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District
5152477 CHR:CHR CHR 579357 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1954-04-19 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.831378 170.552807 On log in rather open bush.
5152504 CHR:CHR CHR 500684 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. A J Allison 1930-11-00 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.525833 175.292748
5152545 CHR:CHR CHR 463298 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum rotundifolium (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth. A J Allison | Kenneth W. Allison 1930-07-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.255612 175.283825 Bark.
5152601 CHR:CHR CHR 556050 Neckeraceae Thamnobryum pandum (Hook.f. & Wilson) I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.880616 170.111835 Submerged & in spray on rock in creek in beech forest. 304 - 610
5152630 CHR:CHR CHR 529220 Ditrichaceae Pseudephemerum nitidum (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1951-03-07 New Zealand Otago Land District Swampy ground in the hummocky more open spaces between rushes etc. 15
5152634 CHR:CHR CHR 578479 Daltoniaceae Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1930-06-16 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On twigs of small shrub (Cyathodes acerosa) in open fern land
5152696 CHR:CHR CHR 563972 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in shallow soil in steep gully in open. 60
5152699 CHR:CHR CHR 521412 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum cylindricarpum (Müll.Hal.) F.Muell. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-11-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.02 170.094 Dry open bank on roadside. 15
5152723 CHR:CHR CHR 578483 Daltoniaceae Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka
5152725 CHR:CHR CHR 541595 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On manuka 304
5152727 CHR:CHR CHR 541596 A Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-05-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Base of manuka
5152729 CHR:CHR CHR 575047 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1948-11-25 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.858365 170.520835 Damp bank at path side, shaded by tall shrubs, open below.
5152775 CHR:CHR CHR 532247 Dicranaceae Dicranella gracillima (Beckett) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1951-09-05 New Zealand Otago Land District Open bank of wide creek.
5152783 CHR:CHR CHR 458453 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1931-11-00 New Zealand
5152805 CHR:CHR CHR 516936 Hypopterygiaceae Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 On earth in bush gully.
5152819 CHR:CHR CHR 570675 Pottiaceae Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches. Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On earth on rock
5152820 CHR:CHR CHR 570676 Pottiaceae Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8185 170.621 On earth at base of cliff.
5152834 CHR:CHR CHR 574886 Pottiaceae Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-08-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.24596 170.710036 Bare ground with Bryum argenteum on old track at base of slope.
5152840 CHR:CHR CHR 578476 Dicranaceae Dicranella dietrichiae (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1939-10-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District on warm soil
5152859 CHR:CHR CHR 604676 A Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P.Gaertn., E. Meyer & Scherb. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-05-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 At base of cabbage tree in swampy ground. 304
5152868 CHR:CHR CHR 516334 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium rotulatum (Hedw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-04-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Shady rocky bank over water.
5152878 CHR:CHR CHR 491615 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1964-11-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.692461 168.96155 On sheltered rock with Grimmia.
5152928 CHR:CHR CHR 557311 Pottiaceae Weissia austrocrispa (Beckett) I.G.Stone Kenneth W. Allison 1959-10-08 New Zealand Canterbury Land District -43.788 172.445 On clay bank with Pottia & other mosses
5152972 CHR:CHR CHR 570691 Pottiaceae Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-08-12 New Zealand Otago Land District on clay bank at top of steep bank above high tide.
5152973 CHR:CHR CHR 570670 Pottiaceae Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches. Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-24 New Zealand Otago Land District Disused roadway cutting.
5152991 CHR:CHR CHR 513186 Polytrichaceae Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1922-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On steep slope in bush. 790
5152992 CHR:CHR CHR 490884 Ditrichaceae Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1962-11-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.943288 168.436682 On open steep face on earth.
5153047 CHR:CHR CHR 604781 Daltoniaceae Archephemeropsis trentepohlioides Renner Kenneth W. Allison 1930-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On branches & twigs of small shrub (Cythodes acerosa) in open near base ...
5153049 CHR:CHR CHR 482224 Bartramiaceae Breutelia elongata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-15 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.057923 172.033531 On wet face in open; south exposure.
5153108 CHR:CHR CHR 568320 Pottiaceae Barbula calycina Schwägr. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-00 New Zealand -38.394526 176.028994 On open ground of flats & slopes. 304
5153152 CHR:CHR CHR 577984 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On earth on creek bank at bush edge.
5153172 CHR:CHR CHR 540638 Rhizogoniaceae Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-05 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.374394 172.367185 Beech forest, on forest floor 609
5153191 CHR:CHR CHR 487503 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum falcatulum Besch. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-10-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.040615 168.866693 In water of extensive bog.
5153243 CHR:CHR CHR 490939 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-08-28 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 Low poor open ground. 275
5153250 CHR:CHR CHR 540618 Pottiaceae Syntrichia pygmaea (Dusén) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1959-10-26 New Zealand Otago Land District On trunks & larger branches of willows on river bank.
5153274 CHR:CHR CHR 576805 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District on steep side of creek gorge
5153300 CHR:CHR CHR 578065 Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-03-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On small manuka hanging over water so as to catch silt in flood times.
5153375 CHR:CHR CHR 516772 Hypopterygiaceae Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1930-05-05 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Shady creek bank.
5153377 CHR:CHR CHR 556105 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1965-04-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.284635 169.840753 on earth mound at baseof willow tree
5153388 CHR:CHR CHR 544596 Dicranaceae Dicranum scoparium Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District Hummocks in swampy area at hut 1219
5153392 CHR:CHR CHR 516935 Hypopterygiaceae Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Damp creek bank in heavy bush.
5153399 CHR:CHR CHR 540614 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-15 New Zealand Nelson Land District On horizontal trunk of small tree near the ground in wet bush gully on hillsideP...
5153400 CHR:CHR CHR 563964 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1963-11-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.588093 169.642297 On rocky bench above the Lindis Stream amongst short vegetation
5153435 CHR:CHR CHR 576683 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-06-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.858964 170.231538 Fairly sheltered hillside on rocky slope
5153436 CHR:CHR CHR 577000 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta apiculata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Vitt Kenneth W. Allison 1946-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District open grassy edge of bank.
5153449 CHR:CHR CHR 555839 Ptychomniaceae Dichelodontium nitidum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-10-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 near base of quite small manuka
5153450 CHR:CHR CHR 119412 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1971-02-16 New Zealand Southland Land District -46.520161 169.563689 Forest.
5153465 CHR:CHR CHR 570239 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1949-03-31 New Zealand Otago Land District On dry river bank.
5153480 CHR:CHR CHR 578581 Sematophyllaceae Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A.Crum Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On log in bush.
5153482 CHR:CHR CHR 558522 Plagiotheciaceae Plagiothecium Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-05 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.374394 172.367185 On rotting log on beech forest floor. 609
5153500 CHR:CHR CHR 602725 Amblystegiaceae Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-10-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 On earth on bank above a stream under trees & shrubs. 30 - 61
5153507 CHR:CHR CHR 555438 Bryaceae Bryum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Damp earth
5153514 CHR:CHR CHR 540760 Grimmiaceae Racomitrium crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1970-07-09 New Zealand Otago Land District on south-facing rock on open hillside. 609
5153522 CHR:CHR CHR 540645 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1955-06-22 New Zealand Otago Land District Steep gravelly bank in light shade.
5153526 CHR:CHR CHR 576487 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedw.) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On logs & earth in bush.
5153534 CHR:CHR CHR 576699 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1969-07-05 New Zealand Otago Land District On roadside cliff, now (winter) quite wet.
5153570 CHR:CHR CHR 566263 B Pottiaceae Leptodontium interruptum (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-07-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On ground. 274
5153597 CHR:CHR CHR 477811 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1951-03-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.554637 170.952053 Dry shady rocky face.
5153619 CHR:CHR CHR 547286 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella pallens var. symmetrica Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1943-02-26 New Zealand South Auckland Land District 3ft from base of tree trunk at bush edge, fairly exposed.
5153620 CHR:CHR CHR 456563 Daltoniaceae Distichophyllum microcarpum (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-12-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 Rotten log, bush. 457
5153636 CHR:CHR CHR 489002 Cryphaeaceae Cryphaea tenella (Schwägr) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1941-03-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Otanewainuku -37.9511 176.64 On Supplejack Stems And Shrubs In Bush Gully 152
5153641 CHR:CHR CHR 532237 B Dicranaceae Dicranella gracillima (Beckett) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1928-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 Shady wet earth bank.
5153644 CHR:CHR CHR 482984 Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-09-29 New Zealand North Auckland Land District -35.576111 173.433546 Wet shady bank. Under fronds of Blechnum with water trickling over the bank.
5153680 CHR:CHR CHR 516980 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-06-22 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.164555 175.698979 On Rhipogonum scandens in bush.
5153682 CHR:CHR CHR 566407 Bryaceae Rosulabryum subtomentosum (Hampe) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1927-12-11 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Dry hillside under light manuka.
5153709 CHR:CHR CHR 542606 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1927-10-22 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.39113 176.029654 In swamp.
5153784 CHR:CHR CHR 482211 Bartramiaceae Conostomum pusillum Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 Open steep bank.
5153817 CHR:CHR CHR 577999 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1933-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Low ground.
5153820 CHR:CHR CHR 575025 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1950-12-06 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.032 170.151 Damp shady bare soil. 609
5153822 CHR:CHR CHR 575035 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On side of gorge, on earth.
5153826 CHR:CHR CHR 603479 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1954-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.8836 170.48 Shady roadside bank facing south.
5153843 CHR:CHR CHR 566245 Notothyladaceae Phaeoceros delicatus E.O.Campb. & Outred Kenneth W. Allison 1934-11-09 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Damp bank. 609
5153852 CHR:CHR CHR 575042 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-28 New Zealand Otago Land District Sandy slope on river bank
5153853 CHR:CHR CHR 575048 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1948-10-28 New Zealand Otago Land District On river bank near the coast.
5153889 CHR:CHR CHR 575038 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.224985 170.785268 Hillside 304
5153893 CHR:CHR CHR 603643 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1935-09-07 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.7321 176.153 In water at edge of stagnant shady pool in a washout. 609
5153898 CHR:CHR CHR 528809 Amblystegiaceae Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-06 New Zealand Nelson Land District Amongst other mosses on log spaning a small stream. In native bush. 152
5153942 CHR:CHR CHR 570743 Fissidentaceae Fissidens rigidulus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1930-04-18 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On rocky soil in spray of waterfall.
5153971 CHR:CHR CHR 556108 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1953-02-12 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.0205 170.152 Swampy gound in open. 609
5154044 CHR:CHR CHR 563911 Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1957-11-01 New Zealand Canterbury Land District On earth bank, sheltered by shrubs.
5154047 CHR:CHR CHR 516774 Hypopterygiaceae Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-01-20 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On caudex of tree fern.
5154074 CHR:CHR CHR 487054 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-06-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.378324 176.206563 On earth, at base of rock.
5154078 CHR:CHR CHR 579099 A Grimmiaceae Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-10-03 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 On rock in stream
5154086 CHR:CHR CHR 557319 Pottiaceae Weissia austrocrispa (Beckett) I.G.Stone Kenneth W. Allison 1949-11-24 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry bare earth near tall cypress hedge.
5154106 CHR:CHR CHR 483001 Bartramiaceae Philonotis pyriformis (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-26 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.532577 169.928188 Amongst other mosses on bank above an alpine stream. 914
5154143 CHR:CHR CHR 563284 B Grimmiaceae Grimmia pulvinata var. africana (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1928-07-29 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Rock work. 274
5154145 CHR:CHR CHR 563316 Pottiaceae Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-10-00 New Zealand Otago Land District Grassland on bench above the river, near the coast
5154146 CHR:CHR CHR 531429 Fissidentaceae Fissidens dealbatus Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 On earth on side of steep gully under light bush.
5154197 CHR:CHR CHR 491612 Fabroniaceae Fabronia australis Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-06-01 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 On cupressus macrocarpa trunk in open.
5154237 CHR:CHR CHR 579249 B Bryaceae Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-04-06 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.338 175.32 Damp bank. 609 - 762
5154336 CHR:CHR CHR 602758 A Leucobryaceae Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 At base of rotten stump. 487
5154337 CHR:CHR CHR 602758 B Leucobryaceae Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Base of rotten log
5154354 CHR:CHR CHR 579192 Bryaceae Bryum curvicollum Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-10-04 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.5656 170.574 On bank, kept damp by seepage, in open 487
5154365 CHR:CHR CHR 516396 Hypopterygiaceae Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1940-08-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -37.949454 176.640069 On bush floor.
5154429 CHR:CHR CHR 487501 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum falcatulum Besch. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 Bog at stream source.
5154490 CHR:CHR CHR 575068 Notothyladaceae Phaeoceros coriaceus (Steph.) E.O.Campb. Kenneth W. Allison 1939-01-27 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Shady clay face
5154507 CHR:CHR CHR 608230 Cryphaeaceae Cryphaea tenella (Schwägr) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1940-12-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Collected with & picked out from Papillaria crocea. Epiphytic on shrubs.
5154510 CHR:CHR CHR 486456 Polytrichaceae Oligotrichum tenuirostre (Hook.) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1969-11-16 New Zealand Wellington Land District -40.136329 175.816941 On earth, on roadside in bush. 762
5154536 CHR:CHR CHR 468661 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1953-12-08 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.014949 170.970627 Near top of steep limestone ridge.
5154555 CHR:CHR CHR 516144 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium rotulatum (Hedw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-01-11 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On earth in bush. 305
5154586 CHR:CHR CHR 489312 Polytrichaceae Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-06-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.102552 170.163012 Damp gully near the coast. 91
5154602 CHR:CHR CHR 468648 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-09-23 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 On dry rocky ground.
5154670 CHR:CHR CHR 487038 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-06-21 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.379038 176.075764 On earth at base of rock on shady hillside.
5154677 CHR:CHR CHR 606457 A Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum (Mitt.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1930-10-25 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On fallen log in bush. 487
5154701 CHR:CHR CHR 487106 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.832671 170.47033 Wet shady bank.
5154703 CHR:CHR CHR 468764 A Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-08 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.885362 174.870809 On earth in shade.
5154750 CHR:CHR CHR 573683 A Brachytheciaceae Eriodon cylindritheca (Dixon) Dixon & Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1931-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On fuchsia-tree bark in forest.
5154753 CHR:CHR CHR 516041 Hypopterygiaceae Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme (Hedw.) Kruijer Kenneth W. Allison 1927-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.50348 176.209765 On logs on bush floor.
5154793 CHR:CHR CHR 563968 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1952-10-09 New Zealand Otago Land District On earth with Tortula princeps.
5154794 CHR:CHR CHR 563974 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-04 New Zealand Otago Land District In run out pasture on dry slope with Triquetrella & Brachythecium albica... 198
5154808 CHR:CHR CHR 576664 Pottiaceae Tortula areolata (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1946-08-09 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.9342 170.43 Open clay hillside on bare patches usually at top of banks. Very open shelter of...
5154816 CHR:CHR CHR 605525 Brachytheciaceae Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1958-04-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.876573 170.487036 Shady roadside bank.
5154832 CHR:CHR CHR 578617 Sematophyllaceae Warburgiella leucocyta (Müll.Hal.) B.C.Tan, W.B.Schofield & H.P.Ramsay Kenneth W. Allison 1958-11-05 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.374394 172.367185 Amongst other mosses on log on floor of beech forest. 609
5154835 CHR:CHR CHR 577762 Dicranaceae Mesotus celatus Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1954-05-13 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree trunk in beech forest. 518
5154849 CHR:CHR CHR 465887 Daltoniaceae Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Kenneth W. Allison 1936-04-06 New Zealand -37.9632 176.185197 Gully amongst masses of ferns. 335
5154878 CHR:CHR CHR 499638 B Funariaceae Entosthodon radians (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-12-02 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Wet shady bank.
5154879 CHR:CHR CHR 468667 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.802321 169.91393 On rocky side of gorge.
5154880 CHR:CHR CHR 468736 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-10-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 On creek bank in bush gully. 243
5154882 CHR:CHR CHR 563914 B Pottiaceae Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen Kenneth W. Allison 1947-05-14 New Zealand Otago Land District On rocks in stream well above water level. 15
5154886 CHR:CHR CHR 556593 Seligeriaceae Blindia magellanica Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-03-09 New Zealand Otago Land District Amongst Triandrophyllum subtrifidum.
5154923 CHR:CHR CHR 483056 Bartramiaceae Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 On rocky hillside. 45
5154965 CHR:CHR CHR 542702 Lembophyllaceae Fallaciella gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) H.A.Crum Leona M Allison 1947-09-00 New Zealand Westland Land District -43.481065 170.20822 In heavy, sheltered, wet bush.
5154983 CHR:CHR CHR 531729 A Dicranaceae Dicranella cardotii (R.Br.bis) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1950-05-12 New Zealand Otago Land District Shingly beach at edge of river.
5155060 CHR:CHR CHR 570144 Sematophyllaceae Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On rotten lof in wet bush gully
5155084 CHR:CHR CHR 563330 B Pottiaceae Triquetrella tasmanica (Broth.) Granzow Kenneth W. Allison 1945-10-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On earth on open hillside 30
5155085 CHR:CHR CHR 563331 Pottiaceae Triquetrella tasmanica (Broth.) Granzow Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-21 New Zealand Otago Land District On shallow soil on sheltered rock. 76
5155103 CHR:CHR CHR 568244 Dendrocerotaceae Megaceros flagellaris (Mitt.) Steph. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-11-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In swamp.
5155115 CHR:CHR CHR 532362 Dicranaceae Dicranella jamesonii (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-06-07 New Zealand Otago Land District On side of an old furrow in low wet open ground. 45
5155117 CHR:CHR CHR 487502 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum falcatulum Besch. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-10-21 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 Swamp below a coal bearing area.
5155145 CHR:CHR CHR 414369 B Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-08-23 New Zealand Otago Land District Patches in poor dry grazing land on low ridge amongst short manuka.
5155182 CHR:CHR CHR 603640 A Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1929-08-14 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 In vegetation in swamp.
5155183 CHR:CHR CHR 603642 Amblystegiaceae Campyliadelphus polygamus (Schimp.) Kanda Kenneth W. Allison 1929-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District In swampy ground
5155199 CHR:CHR CHR 563330 A Pottiaceae Triquetrella tasmanica (Broth.) Granzow Kenneth W. Allison 1945-10-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On earth on open hillside 30
5155201 CHR:CHR CHR 550821 Pottiaceae Triquetrella tasmanica (Broth.) Granzow Kenneth W. Allison 1945-10-02 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.945807 170.103932 On earth on open hillside 30
5155202 CHR:CHR CHR 516938 Hypopterygiaceae Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-16 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 On very rotten log on bush floor in gully.
5155206 CHR:CHR CHR 585927 Amblystegiaceae Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1931-01-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Submerged
5155229 CHR:CHR CHR 532222 A Dicranaceae Dicranella vaginata var. clathrata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-23 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.394526 176.028994 Damp shady clay bank.
5155247 CHR:CHR CHR 516977 Hypopterygiaceae Lopidium concinnum (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1929-02-10 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433 On larch trees.
5155270 CHR:CHR CHR 550812 Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1944-11-15 New Zealand North Auckland Land District On shallow soil on rock on ledge at river level.
5155286 CHR:CHR CHR 566122 B Dicranaceae Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-04-09 New Zealand South Auckland Land District Soil pockets in rock
5155308 CHR:CHR CHR 576686 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-05-12 New Zealand Otago Land District Dry bore bank in gum plantation.
5155342 CHR:CHR CHR 468662 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium paradoxum (Hook.f. & Wilson) A.Jaeger Kenneth W. Allison 1950-07-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.284806 170.961372 Shady river bank.
5155345 CHR:CHR CHR 516933 Hypopterygiaceae Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Kenneth W. Allison 1953-04-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Wet bank above a stream in heavy bush.
5155417 CHR:CHR CHR 563976 Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1951-08-00 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.216632 169.325973 Bare open dry flat with Triquetrella & Tortula princeps.
5155442 CHR:CHR CHR 454726 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-13 New Zealand Otago Land District -44.993027 169.956344 Damp open ground ca. 2000 ft. 610
5155467 CHR:CHR CHR 555461 Bryaceae Rosulabryum campylothecium (Taylor) J.R.Spence Kenneth W. Allison 1930-06-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.39113 176.029654
5155487 CHR:CHR CHR 524349 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 On tree trunk in wet bush. 182
5155488 CHR:CHR CHR 524353 Dicranaceae Dicranoloma billardierei (Brid.) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-16 New Zealand Taranaki Land District -38.894164 174.594329 Tree branch in bush.
5155493 CHR:CHR CHR 578177 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-12-05 New Zealand Otago Land District Shady watertable of road: now dry but shaded.
5155494 CHR:CHR CHR 578183 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-06-19 New Zealand Otago Land District Low wet hollow in tussock land.
5155513 CHR:CHR CHR 573670 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium salebrosum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1929-05-06 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 On earth, shady creek bank.
5155514 CHR:CHR CHR 573671 B Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium salebrosum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1931-10-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.375267 175.970108 On stick in sandy & shady creek basin, just above water.
5155518 CHR:CHR CHR 490916 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1947-12-29 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Track side on bare clay bank sheltered by overhanging tussocks. 545
5155555 CHR:CHR CHR 487036 Fissidentaceae Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-08-19 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.378324 176.206563 On rock near water level in stream and well shaded.
5155571 CHR:CHR CHR 563932 B Pottiaceae Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1932-01-00 New Zealand Base of rock in open.
5155577 CHR:CHR CHR 490931 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1928-11-04 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.233345 176.197433
5155641 CHR:CHR CHR 486073 Grimmiaceae Grimmia incrassicapsulis B.G.Bell Kenneth W. Allison 1949-12-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.562026 170.56898 On basaltic rock. 533
5155649 CHR:CHR CHR 576808 Pottiaceae Hennediella macrophylla (R.Br.bis) Paris Kenneth W. Allison 1946-12-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 On earth mound formed by roots of fallen willow tree in swampy hollow under tall...
5155662 CHR:CHR CHR 563409 Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-07-27 New Zealand Otago Land District On stones in stream & often submerged
5155664 CHR:CHR CHR 555776 Ptychomniaceae Tetraphidopsis pusilla (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1936-04-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On Pittosporum trunk in heavy manuka. 548
5155670 CHR:CHR CHR 574825 Pottiaceae Weissia patula (C.Knight) Fife Kenneth W. Allison 1953-07-30 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.225444 170.783403 Dry pasture in shelter of tall cypress windbreak.
5155710 CHR:CHR CHR 566228 Dendrocerotaceae Megaceros pellucidus (Colenso) E.A.Hodgs. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-11-12 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.4581 176.186 On rotten logs in bush.
5155720 CHR:CHR CHR 576701 Pottiaceae Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1946-06-17 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.950361 170.194407 Clay hillside under shelter of gum trees.
5155780 CHR:CHR CHR 482268 Bartramiaceae Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt. Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-16 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.057923 172.033531 Wet roadside face with B. elongata and Rhacocarpus.
5155784 CHR:CHR CHR 541606 Ptychomniaceae Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury Kenneth W. Allison 1961-10-16 New Zealand Nelson Land District -42.374394 172.367185 On shrub in beech forest.
5155800 CHR:CHR CHR 486082 Grimmiaceae Grimmia longirostris Hook. Kenneth W. Allison 1950-09-07 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.544744 170.44004 On rock.
5155802 CHR:CHR CHR 602724 A Amblystegiaceae Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp. Kenneth W. Allison 1932-09-15 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.928907 175.027704 Sides of pots + on lower shelf in a greenhouse
5155813 CHR:CHR CHR 490914 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum brevirostre (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-10-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.814525 170.428222 Open clay bank on road near Reservoir.
5155814 CHR:CHR CHR 490952 Ditrichaceae Ditrichum buchananii (R.Br.bis) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1949-07-20 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.081434 170.287111 Open sloping ground in tussock land.
5155850 CHR:CHR CHR 583233 Pottiaceae Syntrichia antarctica (Hampe) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1961-09-14 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.818629 170.516807 On thin soil on rock on open roadside
5155928 CHR:CHR CHR 579025 Rhizogoniaceae Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-30 New Zealand Otago Land District On tree fern trunk in bush. 182
5155950 CHR:CHR CHR 575318 Ptychomniaceae Tetraphidopsis pusilla (Hook.f. & Wilson) Dixon Kenneth W. Allison 1930-01-10 New Zealand Wellington Land District -39.89 175.054 On bark in bush
5155961 CHR:CHR CHR 563411 Pottiaceae Tridontium tasmanicum Hook.f. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District On rock in spray of waterfall.
5155996 CHR:CHR CHR 529223 Ditrichaceae Pseudephemerum nitidum (Hedw.) Loeske Kenneth W. Allison 1951-01-10 New Zealand Otago Land District -46.072039 169.899554 Damp swampy ground, sheltered by tall swamp growth.
5156000 CHR:CHR CHR 570241 Pottiaceae Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander Kenneth W. Allison 1945-09-08 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.874876 170.504057 On shady concrete walk
5156037 CHR:CHR CHR 546462 B Ptychomniaceae Cladomnion ericoides (Hook.) Hook.f. & Wilson Kenneth W. Allison 1928-12-05 New Zealand South Auckland Land District On bark at base of manuka.
5156110 CHR:CHR CHR 578167 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. Kenneth W. Allison 1952-12-08 New Zealand Otago Land District In water at edge of small stream. 1173
5156120 CHR:CHR CHR 566273 Pottiaceae Leptodontium interruptum (Mitt.) Broth. Kenneth W. Allison 1939-09-00 New Zealand Wellington Land District On earth on dry open flat.
5156134 CHR:CHR CHR 566077 Grimmiaceae Schistidium rivulare var. rivulare (Brid.) Podp. Kenneth W. Allison 1945-08-27 New Zealand Otago Land District -45.964485 169.972148 On rock in stream.
5156154 CHR:CHR CHR 516766 Hypopterygiaceae Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson A J Allison 1930-00-00 New Zealand South Auckland Land District -38.525833 175.292748 457
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*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';