Search Results (Table)


| 1-90 of 90 records |
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
5590158 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION51207 Fabroniaceae Rhizofabronia perpilosa (Broth.) Broth. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie Kitoto 8000
5590508 PC-MNHN:PC PC0717253 Fissidentaceae Fissidens alatus la Varde Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 [République Démocratique du Congo] 8000
5593032 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION54228 Thuidiaceae Rauia subfilamentosa (Kiaer) Broth. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-14 Tanzanie Arusha Nat. Park 5000
5593146 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION51806 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-08-02 Tanzanie Meru crater
5594225 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION64468 Brachytheciaceae Palamocladium sericeum (Jaeg.) Müll.Hal. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. Tanzanie PROTECTED
5594671 PC-MNHN:PC PC0080849 Fissidentaceae Fissidens ovatus Brid. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie 8000
5595011 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION54526 Thuidiaceae Thuidium palidisetum Dix. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-14 Tanzanie Arusha Nat. Park 5000
5595354 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION54828 Thuidiaceae Thuidium matarumense Besch. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-29 Tanzanie Kilimanjaro 9600
5595460 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION64466 Brachytheciaceae Palamocladium sericeum (Jaeg.) Müll.Hal. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. Tanzanie PROTECTED
5595546 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION55060 Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-08-02 Tanzanie Arusha Nat. Park 8300
5596519 PC-MNHN:PC PC0080850 Fissidentaceae Fissidens ovatus Brid. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie 8000
5597973 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION54827 Thuidiaceae Thuidium matarumense Besch. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-17 Tanzanie Arusha Nat. Park 8500
5601619 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION24098 Pottiaceae Leptodontium macleani Dix. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-08-02 Tanzanie Tanganyika
5602030 PC-MNHN:PC PC0700437 Bryaceae Bryum leptoneurum la Varde Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-29 Tanzanie 9800
5603525 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION24097 Pottiaceae Leptodontium maclennani (Dix.) Broth. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-06-04 Tanzanie Tanganyika 6300
5606577 PC-MNHN:PC PC0717252 Fissidentaceae Fissidens alatus la Varde Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 [République Démocratique du Congo] 8000
5606892 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION34516 Funariaceae Funaria volkensii Broth. Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Kitoto 8000
5607478 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION18968 Dicranaceae Campylopus procerus (Müll.Hal.) Paris Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-29 Tanzanie Kilimanjaro, Mweka route
5609612 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION37998 Bryaceae Rhodobryum keniae (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie Tanganyika 7000 - 8000
5611369 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION18940 Dicranaceae Campylopus polytrichoides De Not. Vesey-Fitzgerald 1968-07-13 [Tanzanie]
5611543 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION36466 Bryaceae Bryum truncorum Bory Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Kitoto 8000
5612780 PC-MNHN:PC PC0716582 Dicranaceae Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A.Jaeger Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie 8000
5614027 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION44151 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium perundulatum Broth. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Kitoto 8000
5614687 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION45274 Leucodontaceae Pterogonium ornithopodioides (Huds.) Lindb. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie A.N.P. 8000
5615550 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION47911 Neckeraceae Porothamnium pennaefrondeum (Müll.Hal.) Cardot Vesey Fitzgerald 1968-07-27 Tanzanie Kilimanjaro Mweka route 8600
5617044 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION46699 Meteoriaceae Pilotrichella ampullacea (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie Kitoto 8000
5617973 PC-MNHN:PC PC0080675 Meteoriaceae Papillaria africana (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie Kitoto 8000
5619819 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION45068 Leucodontaceae Leucodon dracaenae Solms ex Venturi Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-29 Tanzanie Kilimanjaro 9600
5619969 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION46698 Meteoriaceae Pilotrichella ampullacea (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie Jekukumia 7000
5620810 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION47916 Neckeraceae Porothamnium pennaefrondeum (Müll.Hal.) Cardot Vesey Fitzgerald 1968-07-17 Tanzanie Kitoto 8000
5622132 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION44152 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium perundulatum Broth. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Jekukumia 7000
5629348 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION38000 Bryaceae Rhodobryum keniae (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Fitzgerald Vesey, L.D.E.F. 1968-06-04 Tanzanie Tanganyika 7000
5650856 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION64467 Brachytheciaceae Palamocladium sericeum (Jaeg.) Müll.Hal. Vesey Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. Tanzanie PROTECTED
5652727 PC-MNHN:PC FUSION47915 Neckeraceae Porothamnium pennaefrondeum (Müll.Hal.) Cardot Vesey Fitzgerald 1968-08-02 Tanzanie Meru crater 8500
5714057 PC-MNHN:PC PC0699797 Hypnaceae Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 [Tanzanie] 8000
6653292 PC-MNHN:PC PC0116918 Mniaceae Mnium rostratum Schrad. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-07-13 Tanzanie 7600
6653343 PC-MNHN:PC PC0116917 Mniaceae Mnium rostratum Schrad. Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. 1968-08-02 Tanzanie 8500
7074030 US Dicranaceae Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp. A. J. Sharp, V. Gilbert, D. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7322 1968-07-27 Tanzania, United Republic of Kilimanjaro The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Trail from M...
7091801 US Rhizofabroniaceae Rhizofabronia perpilosa (Broth.) Broth. A. J. Sharp, V. Gilbert, D. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7382 1968-07-27 Tanzania, United Republic of Kilimanjaro The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Trail from M...
7105354 US Hypnaceae Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp & D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 7790 1968-08-01 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha Sharp-Hattori Bryogeograhical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Kitoto-Njeku, Mer...
7125378 US Pottiaceae Leptodontium viticulosoides (P.Beauv.) Wijk & Margad. A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp, V. Gilbert & D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 7924 1968-08-02 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition To East Africa, 1968. Meru Crater ...
7126172 US Thuidiaceae Thuidium chenagonii Müll.Hal. ex Renauld & Cardot A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp & D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 7725 1968-08-01 The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East-Africa, 1968. Ngordoto Cra...
7140580 US Meteoriaceae Papillaria africana (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp, D. Vesey-Fitzgerald & V. Gilbert 6431A 1968-07-13 The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Exepdition to East Africa, 1968. Kitoto near ...
7174766 US Pterobryaceae Pilotrichella pentasticha (Brid.) Wijk & Margad. A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp, D. Vesey-Fitzgerald & V. Gilbert 655 1968-07-13 The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Kitoto near ...
7178355 US Bartramiaceae Anacolia laevisphaera (Taylor) Flowers A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp & D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 777b 1968-08-01 The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Little Falls...
7198850 US Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia percuspidata Müll.Hal. A. J. Sharp, E. Sharp & D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 7794/A 1968-08-01 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha The Sharp-Hattori Bryogeographical Expedition to East Africa, 1968. Kitoto-Njeku...
3988783 UBC B154386 Bryaceae Mielichhoferia ruwenzorensis Thér. & Naveau A.J. Sharp, V.C. Gilbert, D. E. F. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7495a 1968-07-28 Tanzania tanzania: trail from mweka to kibo peak on mt. kilimanjaro on cliff 3353 - 3658
3988784 UBC B154387 Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. A.J. Sharp, V.C. Gilbert, D. E. F. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7534 1968-07-28 Tanzania tanzania: trail from mweka to kibo peak on mt. kilimanjaro 2987
3988785 UBC B154388 Hylocomiaceae Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G. A.J. Sharp, V.C. Gilbert, D. E. F. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7580a 1968-07-29 Tanzania tanzania: trail from mweka to kibo peak on mt. kilimanjaro on soil 2896
3988786 UBC B154389 Meteoriaceae Aerobryidium subpiligerum (Hampe) Cardot A.J. Sharp, V.C. Gilbert, D. E. F. Vesey-Fitzgerald & M. Bigger 7650 1968-07-29 Tanzania tanzania: trail from mweka to kibo peak on mt. kilimanjaro on branches 2591 - 2713
3988787 UBC B154390 Hookeriaceae Hypopterygium mildbraedii Broth. A.J. Sharp, Evelyn Sharp, D. E. P. Vesey-Fitzgerald 7769b 1968-08-01 Tanzania tanzania: bittle falls on jekukumia river, meru crater park, in arusha nat. park on trunk 2225
1762987 TENN TENN-B-0003638 Pottiaceae Barbula congoana Thériot, 1930 D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5749c/A 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 3688
1766548 TENN TENN-B-0004296 Bartramiaceae Bartramia microcarpa Potier de la Varde, 1954 D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5749f 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 Summit of mountain Ledges, rock crevices, and surfaces 3688
1767367 TENN TENN-B-0005115 Bryaceae Brachymenium angolense (Welw. & Duby) A. Jaeger D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5676 1968-06-03 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Nasula camp -3.237529 36.804371 on tree trunk. 1829
1767437 TENN TENN-B-0005185 Bryaceae Brachymenium speirocladum Müll. Hal. ex Besch. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5677 1968-06-03 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Nasula camp -3.237529 36.804371 on tree trunk 1829
1781160 TENN TENN-B-0007062 Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium gloriosum Paris, 1894 D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5675 1968-06-03 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Nasula camp -3.237529 36.804371 on tree trunk 1829
1781668 TENN TENN-B-0007573 Hedwigiaceae Braunia camptoclada P. de la Varde & Thér. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5682 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha Meru east, Tululusia Hill, Arusha National Park -3.237529 36.804371 on tree trunk. 1920
1781756 TENN TENN-B-0007661 Bartramiaceae Breutelia diffracta Mitt. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5776 1968-06-25 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha Meru east, Kitoto -3.242585 36.791582 2438
5818629 TENN TENN-B-0104203 Andreaeaceae Andreaea obovata Thed. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5749d 1968-06-08 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 Ledges, rock crevices and surfaces at summit of mountain 3688
5861013 TENN TENN-B-0104308 Bartramiaceae Anacolia laevisphaera (Taylor) Flowers D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5749 h 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 3658
5883261 TENN TENN-B-0106006 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegiella holstii (Broth.) Broth. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5751 1968-06-11 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia-Kitoto -3.242585 36.791582 partial shade On Juniperus forest floor 2377
5887797 TENN TENN-B-0010144 Bryaceae Bryum argenteum Hedw. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5685 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia camp -3.242585 36.791582 growing on site of camp-fire 2134
5887800 TENN TENN-B-0010141 Bryaceae Bryum argenteum Hedw. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5750 1968-06-11 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia-Kitoto -3.242585 36.791582 partial shade On Juniperus forest floor; growing on horizontal log mainly in crevices 2377
5887801 TENN TENN-B-0010140 Bryaceae Bryum argenteum Hedw. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5756 1968-06-13 Tanzania, United Republic of Ngurdoto Crater, Leitong -3.276394 36.919347 Roadside in moist forest Earth/volcanic rock banks 1829
5963051 TENN TENN-B-0107014 Mniaceae Pohlia afrocruda (Müll. Hal.) Broth. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5749c 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 3688
5963052 TENN TENN-B-0107015 Mniaceae Pohlia afrocruda (Müll. Hal.) Broth. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5749h 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 at summit of mountain collect ledges, rock crevices and surfaces 3658
6534043 TENN TENN-B-0132465 Thuidiaceae Thuidium versicolor (Hornsch. ex Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5760 1968-06-16 Tanzania, United Republic of Larashi, Arusha National Park -3.25 36.75 in dry evergreen forest compact mat on fallen log 1524
6532294 TENN TENN-B-0132048 Thuidiaceae Thuidium chenagonii Müll. Hal. ex Renauld & Cardot D.E.F. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5761/B 1968-06-16 Tanzania, United Republic of Larashi, Arusha Nat. Park -3.248761 36.756929 on bark 1524
6061989 TENN TENN-B-0110346 Entodontaceae Erythrodontium subjulaceum (Müll. Hal.) Paris D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5674 1968-06-03 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Nasula camp -3.237529 36.804371 on tree trunk 1829
6070708 TENN TENN-B-0112337 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica var. calvescens (Schwägr.) Mont. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5754 1968-06-13 Tanzania, United Republic of Ngurdoto Crater, Leitong -3.276607 36.919929 Roadside in moist forest Earth/volcanic rock banks 1829
6070713 TENN TENN-B-0112333 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica var. calvescens (Schwägr.) Mont. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5686 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia camp -3.242585 36.791582 Site of camp fire 2134
6070722 TENN TENN-B-0112324 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica var. calvescens (Schwägr.) Mont. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5678 1968-06-05 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru East, Nasula Camp -3.237529 36.804371 on bank 1829
6076031 TENN TENN-B-0112547 Grimmiaceae Grimmia affinis Hoppe & Hornsch. ex Hornsch. D.Vesey-FitzGerald 5749/A 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 Summit of mountain Ledges, rock crevices, and surfaces 3688
6076125 TENN TENN-B-0112579 Grimmiaceae Grimmia apiculata Hornsch. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5749/B 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 3688
6103820 TENN TENN-B-0117161 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium laricinum (Hook.) Brid. D.E.F. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5766/B 1968-06-22 Tanzania, United Republic of Longil-F. Reserve, Arusha National Park -3.258443 36.885379 On tree trunk 5000
6103826 TENN TENN-B-0117167 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium laricinum (Hook.) Brid. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5765 1968-06-22 Tanzania, United Republic of Longil-F.Reserve, Arusha Nat.Park -3.258443 36.885379 Tree trunks at base of boile mainly on moist side, also on fallen logs forest fl... 1524
6103831 TENN TENN-B-0117172 Hypopterygiaceae Hypopterygium laricinum (Hook.) Brid. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5672/A 1968-05-29 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Malama -8.915192 33.309531 forest floor shade on moist rock 1707
6099637 TENN TENN-B-0116477 Hypnaceae Mittenothamnium cygnicollum (Dixon) Wijk & Margad. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5690 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia camp -3.242585 36.791582 moist forest floor tree trunk 2134
6110863 TENN TENN-B-0117781 Leucodontaceae Leucodon dracaenae Solms ex Venturi D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5683/A 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Tululusia Hill -3.237529 36.804371 partially exposed site, dense rather loose growth tree trunk 1920
6116426 TENN TENN-B-0119147 Lembophyllaceae Pilotrichella pentasticha (Brid.) Wijk & Margad. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5687/A 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia -3.242585 36.791582 on branches 2134
6133949 TENN TENN-B-0122482 Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium levatum Mitt. D.Vesey-FitzGerald 5670 1968-05-29 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia, Ngarenanyuki R. -3.136728 36.884923 on tree trunk 2134
6456455 TENN TENN-B-0125824 Pottiaceae Leptodontium longicaule Mitt. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5749b 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.214146 36.775207 3688
6456707 TENN TENN-B-0125846 Pottiaceae Leptodontium pungens (Mitt.) Kindb. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5749e 1968-06-06 Tanzania, United Republic of Summit of Little Meru -3.212503 36.774168 collect ledges, rock crevices and surfaces at summit of mountain. collect ledges, rock crevices and surfaces at summit of mountain. 3688
6456700 TENN TENN-B-0125860 Pottiaceae Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauv.) Wijk & Margad. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5679 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Tululusia Hill -3.24897 36.813045 exposed site Tree trunk epiphyte 1920
6482455 TENN TENN-B-0126889 Pottiaceae Tortula hildebrandtii (Müll. Hal.) Broth. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5681 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha Meru east, Tululusia Hill, Arusha National Park -3.237529 36.804371 partially exposed site Tree trunk Nuxia 1920
6495702 TENN TENN-B-0128414 Racopilaceae Racopilum capense Müll. Hal. ex Broth. D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5760a 1968-06-16 Tanzania, United Republic of [O]larashi [Engutoto], Arusha National Park -3.25 36.75 1524
6495724 TENN TENN-B-0128404 Racopilaceae Racopilum africanum Mitt. D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5753 1968-06-13 Tanzania, United Republic of Ngurdoto Crater, Leitong -3.276607 36.919929 Roadside in moist forest on volcanic rock 1829
6492700 TENN TENN-B-0012096 Pterobryaceae Calyptothecium hoehnelii (Müll. Hal.) Argent D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5688 1968-06-04 Tanzania, United Republic of Meru east, Jekukumia -3.227061 36.7549 closely growing on tree trunks forest shade on tree trunks 2134
6492722 TENN TENN-B-0012080 Pterobryaceae Calyptothecium hoehnelii (Müll. Hal.) Argent D. Vesey-Fitzgerald 5767 1968-06-22 Tanzania, United Republic of Arusha Forest Longil-F.reserve, Arusha National Park -3.26482 36.845567 Forest On tree trunk 1524
6506041 TENN TENN-B-0129484 Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E. Britton D. Vesey-FitzGerald 5763 1968-06-16 Tanzania, United Republic of Larashi, Arusha Nat. Park -3.263848 36.84638 in dry evergreen forest compact mat on fallen log 1524
| 1-90 of 90 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';