Search Results (Table)


| 1-77 of 77 records |
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
1673496 PH PH00010322 Leucodontaceae Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedw.) Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-26 France Inv. Grande Chartreuse, Eure 45.364165 5.793894 Crones et rochers
2862105 PH PH00129676 Brachytheciaceae Oxyrrhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Warnst. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-02 France Seine-et-Oise Inv. Giverny et [Limetz], Seine et Oise 49.076851 1.529978 Prairie humides
2865625 PH PH00131498 Pottiaceae Pleurochaete squarrosa (Brid.) Lindb. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-22 France Fort Villez, Inv. Chine et Oise [?]
2883687 PH PH00128674 Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegiella curviseta (Brid.) Limpr. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-22 France Seine-et-Oise Port Villez, Seine et Oise 49.061904 1.523513 Rochers humides-etc. [damp rocks]
2883754 PH PH00144597 Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort. M. Monet 74 1894-03-04 France Toulouse 43.605503 1.441951 Chor la terre humide domes
2883821 PH PH00144669 Pelliaceae Pellia calycina (Taylor) Nees M. Monet 41 1894-03-09 France Marieages Gonne Court 50.139342 2.646016
5975516 PH PH00777795 Hylocomiaceae Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst. M. Monet 732 1894-03-10 France Seine-et-Oise Villeneuve, Inv. Seine-et-Oise 48.552669 3.106449
5882062 PH PH00787565 Radulaceae Radula complanata (L.) Dumort. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-30 France Seine-et-Oise Crouet d artres, Inv. Bonnières (Bonnières-sur-Seine) 49.03525 1.578301
5883648 PH PH00788905 Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuron commutatum (Brid.) G. Roth M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-24 France Inv. Auberoche 49.1744 1.3353 torme sourees [?]
5961080 PH PH00790075 Amblystegiaceae Hygroamblystegium irriguum (Hook. & Wils.) Loeske M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-29 France Eure Inv. Aubovoie (Eure) 49.1667 1 sources calcaires
5961485 PH PH00790117 Hylocomiaceae Hylocomium brevirostre (Brid.) Schimp. in B.S.G. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-10 France Seine-et-Oise Le Cremtlay (?)
5961595 PH PH00790222 Hypnaceae Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-10 France Seine-et-Oise Inv. Les Mares, Seine-et-Oise 49.534913 2.981394
6753173 F:Botany C2050963F undetermined M. Monet s.n. 1894-00-00 France Alpes martimes Rocks
581338 MO:Bryophytes 90008651 Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuron commutatum (Hedw.) G. Roth MONET s.n. 1894-03-24 France
6901063 H Amblystegiaceae Cratoneuron (Sull.) Spruce Monet, M. 1800-01-01 France
1761205 TENN TENN-B-0003923 Pottiaceae Barbula ruralis Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-26 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny (Eure) 49.07685 1.52998
1762293 TENN TENN-B-0002944 Aulacomniaceae Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedw.) Schwaegr. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-19 France Upper Normandy Eure Falaise, Eure 49.063609 1.553769 fissures des rochers siliceuse sur le terre et racemes des arbres [cracks in sil...
1762971 TENN TENN-B-0003622 Pottiaceae Barbula aloides (W.D.J. Koch ex Schultz) Bruch M. Monet s.n. 1894-07-19 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny 49.081714 1.533373 Vieux murs
1762978 TENN TENN-B-0003629 Cinclidotaceae Barbula brebissonii Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-11 France Upper Normandy Eure aux bords de l'Epte a Giverny 49.081714 1.533373 aux bords de l'Epte [banks of river] troncs d'arbres
1763023 TENN TENN-B-0003674 Pottiaceae Barbula convoluta Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-16 France Eure Eure, endroits vie l'on a fait, du harbors Bois Jeromes [Eure, places where we l...
1763154 TENN TENN-B-0003805 Pottiaceae Barbula laevipila (Brid.) Garov. M. Monet 1893-03-19 France Giverny 49.076851 1.529978 troncs d'arbres frincifier (?) binent (?) sur les pommiers [Possibly: trunks of ...
1763165 TENN TENN-B-0003816 Pottiaceae Barbula membranifolia (Hook.) Schultz M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-02 France Upper Normandy Eure Falaise pres Giverny 49.076767 1.550625 Falaise [Cliff] Murs et rochers calcaires
1763167 TENN TENN-B-0003818 Pottiaceae Barbula muralis (Hedw.) F. Weber & D. Mohr M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-23 France Giverny (Eure) 49.076851 1.529978 vieuse murs [old walls]
1763250 TENN TENN-B-0003901 Pottiaceae Barbula revoluta Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1893-00-00 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny (Eure) 49.081714 1.533373 Vieux murs
1766931 TENN TENN-B-0004679 Bartramiaceae Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. M. Monet 1893-03-22 France Eure Bois Jeromes 49.105628 1.521717
1766932 TENN TENN-B-0004680 Bartramiaceae Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. M. Monet 1893-04-02 France Seine et Oise Gommecourt 49.076503 1.59377
4447852 TENN TENN-B-0090024 Jungermanniaceae Jungermannia bicuspidata Linnaeus M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-08 France Upper Normandy Eure Ste. Genevieve et Bois Jeromes 49.656929 -1.312375 Sur la terre dans les bois frais [on the ground in cool woods] Sur la terre [on the ground]
4448019 TENN TENN-B-0090311 Geocalycaceae Chiloscyphus polyanthos (L.) Corda M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-20 France Var Esterel 43.511442 6.77003
4449050 TENN TENN-B-0091893 Lejeuneaceae Lejeunea calcarea Lib. M. Monet 1894-03-23 France Seine et Marne Pont Vallez 48.517562 3.596228 rochers calcareus humidis [damp calcareous rocks]
4451983 TENN TENN-B-0094447 Aytoniaceae Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-08 France Seine Maritime Haute Normandie Bernieres, Seine-et-Oise 49.619297 0.4756 rochers humides [wet rocks]
4452071 TENN TENN-B-0094646 Ricciaceae Riccia glauca L. M. Monet s.n. 1894-07-08 France Bois Jeromes [Bois-Jérôme-Saint-Ouen], Eure 49.103847 1.534771 terre humide [moist soil]
4452469 TENN TENN-B-0094553 Aneuraceae Riccardia pinguis (L.) Gray M. Monet s.n. 1911-05-09 France bois maricageuse bords des ruisscouisce St. Janvieve [swamp woods edges of St. J... 46.919146 3.036139 swampy woods edges
4453240 TENN TENN-B-0095173 Sphaerocarpus terrestris M. Monet s.n. 1894-07-05 France Upper Normandy Eure Bois Jeromes [Bois-Jérôme-Saint-Ouen] 49.103847 1.534771 Terres humides [moist soil]
4453617 TENN TENN-B-0095170 Arnelliaceae Southbya alicularia (De Not.) C.Massal. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-08 France Seine Maritime Haute Normandie Jeufosse, Seine-et-Oise 49.03561 1.545207 rochers calcaire et humides [wet limestone rocks]
4453637 TENN TENN-B-0095226 Targioniaceae Targionia hypophylla L. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-20 France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Var Les Adrets, Var [Les Adrets-de-l'Estérel] 43.536552 6.810587 sur la terre des rochers siliceuse [on siliceous rocks]
4620065 TENN TENN-B-0102999 Encalyptaceae Encalypta vulgaris Hedw. M. Monet 1894-02-22 France Ile-de-France Port-Villez 49.062221 1.523149
5818537 TENN TENN-B-0104065 Amblystegiaceae Leptodictyum (Schimp.) Warnst. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-23 France Chantemesle le Seine et Oise 49.080218 1.671579
5888112 TENN TENN-B-0010168 Bryaceae Bryum argenteum Hedw. M. Monet 1893-03-02 France Normandie Seine-Maritime Ste. Genevieve 49.680649 1.46167 voie ferrie [railway line]
5961669 TENN TENN-B-0010694 Bryaceae Bryum pallens Sw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-08 France Bonnieres, Seine-et-Oise
5961891 TENN TENN-B-0010803 Bryaceae Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. M. Monet 1893-08-12 France Manche two collections in same envelope, different dates and places Boggy moors
5972311 TENN TENN-B-0107357 Mniaceae Webera carnea Schimp. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-11 France Normand Eure St. Pierrs de Bailleul 49.807336 1.423147
4461258 TENN TENN-B-0092326 Jungermanniaceae Lophozia bicrenata (Schmidel) Dumort. M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-03 France Le Bois Gervais 45.488759 -0.598948
6055776 TENN TENN-B-0021172 Dicranaceae Dicranum heteromallum Hedw. M. Monet France Normandy Bois-Jeromes-Saint-Ouen 49.104893 1.538655 terres denudies talus dans le bois [denuded land in the embankment of the woods]
6061529 TENN TENN-B-0109956 Encalyptaceae Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-22 France Île-de-France Yvelines Port-Villez, Seine et Oise 49.062221 1.523149
6064562 TENN TENN-B-0111113 Fissidentaceae Fissidens crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp. M. Monet s.n. 1893-07-06 France Upper Normandy Eure D'epte à Giverny, Eure 49.076767 1.550625 Roches [rocks]
6065452 TENN TENN-B-0111674 Fissidentaceae Fissidens taxifolius Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-01 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny, Eure 49.081714 1.533373 Tassis humides huis frais sur la terre
6070607 TENN TENN-B-0112102 Funariaceae Funaria calcarea Wahlenb. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-22 France Île-de-France Yvelines Port-Villez, Seine et Oise 49.062221 1.523149
6076066 TENN TENN-B-0112612 Grimmiaceae Grimmia apocarpa (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. M. Monet 1893-03-23 France Val d'Oise Haute isle 49.083559 1.657965
6076294 TENN TENN-B-0112757 Grimmiaceae Grimmia crinita Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-23 France Val d'Oise Haute-Isle 49.084891 1.654326 rochers calcaires {calcareous rocks]
6076462 TENN TENN-B-0112916 Grimmiaceae Grimmia orbicularis Bruch ex Wilson M. Monet s.n. 1893-00-00 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny, Eure 49.081714 1.533373 Rochers calcaires [limestone rocks]
6076590 TENN TENN-B-0112847 Grimmiaceae Grimmia maritima (Turner ex Robt. Scott) Bruch & Schimp. M. Monet 1893-08-09 France Manche Greville pres Cherbourg 49.639019 -1.624862 rochers maritimes [sea rocks]
6077149 TENN TENN-B-0113020 Grimmiaceae Grimmia trichophylla var. meridionalis C. Muell. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-20 France Var Var
6077517 TENN TENN-B-0113381 Grimmiaceae Rhacomitrium canescens M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-30 France Upper Normany Eure La Chapelle St. Ouens [La Chapelle-Saint-Ouen], Eure 49.103081 1.537659
6077516 TENN TENN-B-0113380 Grimmiaceae Rhacomitrium canescens M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-08 France Upper Normandy Eure Bois Jerome, Eure 49.105447 1.533419 terrains [?]
6086591 TENN TENN-B-0115992 Hypnaceae Hypnum stellatum Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-09 France Gommecourt, Inv Seine et Oise 49.076503 1.59377
6065113 TENN TENN-B-0111421 Fissidentaceae Fissidens minutulus Sull. M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-25 France Upper Normandy Eure Fonds de Eilly (Ailly?) (?) 49.144975 1.52854 Rochers calcaires [limestone rocks]
6014185 TENN TENN-B-0013519 Leucobryaceae Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-25 France Upper Normandy Eure Tilly, Eure 49.145207 1.52854 terres sablonneuses rochers siliceuse[sandy silica rocks]
6134500 TENN TENN-B-0122821 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum bruchii (Hornsch. ex Brid.) Spruce M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-28 France Upper Normandy Eure dans le marais de Giverny, Eure 49.081917 1.533063 dans le marais [in the swamp] Troncs d'arbres [tree trunks]
6134514 TENN TENN-B-0122809 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. M. Monet 1893-03-23 France Rochers Haute Isle, Seine et Oese 49.083265 1.657664
6134609 TENN TENN-B-0122918 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum pumilum Sw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-03 France Upper Normandy Eure dans le marais de Giverny, Eure 49.081917 1.533063 dans le marais [in the swamp] Troncs d'arbres [tree trunks]
6134542 TENN TENN-B-0122851 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrad. ex Brid. M. Monet 1894-01-23 France Giverny 49.081714 1.533373 Trunces d'arbres
6134434 TENN TENN-B-0122688 Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum affine Schrad. ex Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-19 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny, Eure 49.081714 1.533373 Troncs d'arbres [tree trunks]
6424861 TENN TENN-B-0124187 Polytrichaceae Pogonatum aloides (Hedw.) P. Beauv. M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-19 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny 49.081714 1.533373
6429969 TENN TENN-B-0125123 Pottiaceae Acaulon muticum (Schreb. ex Hedw.) Müll. Hal. M. Monet France Eure Camp des Cesar, Vernon 49.092918 1.466071 dans la foret [in the forest]
6427659 TENN TENN-B-0124856 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-26 France Eure pres Giverny [near Giverny] 49.081714 1.533373 Bois [tree]
6455898 TENN TENN-B-0125592 Pottiaceae Gymnostomum tenue Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-03 France Eure Giverny, Eure 49.081714 1.533373 Maroces [?]
6427623 TENN TENN-B-0124957 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum piliferum Hedw. M. Monet s.n. 1893-00-00 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny (Eure) 49.081714 1.533373
6458160 TENN TENN-B-0126087 Pottiaceae Phascum bryoides Dicks. M. Monet s.n. 1894-02-28 France Yvelines Limetz [probably Limetz Villez]. Siene et Oise [disbanded in 1968, currently Yve... 49.061635 1.549401
6458172 TENN TENN-B-0126099 Pottiaceae Phascum cuspidatum (With.) R.H. Zander M. Monet s.n. 1894-01-19 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny 49.081714 1.533373
6458171 TENN TENN-B-0126098 Pottiaceae Phascum cuspidatum var. schreberianum (Dicks.) Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-04-06 France Upper Normandy Eure Giverny 49.081714 1.533373
6474474 TENN TENN-B-0126265 Pottiaceae Pottia lanceolata R.H. Zander M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-11 France Upper Normandy Eure Falaise prés Giverny 49.076767 1.550625
6475804 TENN TENN-B-0126332 Pottiaceae Pottia truncata var. major (Web. & Mohr) Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. M. Monet s.n. 1894-00-02 France Eure Champs, Giverny [Giverny fields] 49.081827 1.533116
6474509 TENN TENN-B-0126275 Pottiaceae Pottia minutula (Schwaegr.) Fürnr. ex Hampe M. Monet s.n. 1893-09-13 France Eure Champs, Giverny [Giverny fields] 49.081827 1.533116
6135749 TENN TENN-B-0123371 Orthotrichaceae Zygodon viridissimus (Dicks.) Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-22 France Seine-et-Oise Port Villez, Seine et Oise 49.061904 1.523513 troncs et rochers [trunks and rocks]
6492372 TENN TENN-B-0127557 Pottiaceae Weissia viridula Hedw. ex Brid. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-19 France Eure Giverny, Eure 49.081714 1.533373 Falaise [cliffs]
6503882 TENN TENN-B-0129009 Seligeriaceae Seligeria pusilla (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. M. Monet s.n. 1893-03-16 France Upper Normandy Eure Verronet pres vernon, Eure 49.092127 1.488213 Rochers calcaries [limestone rocks]
6836444 TENN TENN-B-0137692 Fissidentaceae Fissidens decipiens De Not. M. Monet s.n. 1894-03-08 France Jeufosse, Seine-et-Oise 49.03561 1.545207 Rochers humides [wet rocks]
| 1-77 of 77 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';