Smirnova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XIV
[131 - 140]
IndExs #2147199859

Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium, Miami University
Catalog #: 000240770
Ganeshin, S.S. #s.n. 17 September 1928
Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson
Russian Federation, Rossia europaea. Regio Leningradensis, distr. Luga, 3 km from the village of [3 km a pago] Vjaz, in arenis rubris emergentibus periodi Devon, on the bank of the Jazvinskij River [ad ripam rivuli Jazvinskij], at the influx of the Luga River [ad influxum in fl. Luga].