Konstantinova, Belkina, Likhachev & Shlyakov, Bryoph. Murm. Exs.
Konstantinova, N.A.; Belkina, O.A.; Likhachev, A.J.; Shlyakov, R.N. [1 - 150]
IndExs #861809280

University of British Columbia Herbarium
Catalog #: B258614
Konstantinova, N.A. s.n. 27 July 1989
Massularia grandiretis (Lindb. ex Kaal.) Schljakov
Russian Federation, The Lotta River basin, the shore of the lake of Koskluobbal in the valley of Sojtchjok River.

Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium, Miami University
Catalog #: 000243909
Konstantinova, N.A. #s.n. 29 July 1989
Massularia grandiretis (Lindb. ex Kaal.) Schljakov
Russian Federation, The Lotta River Basin, the shore of the lake of Koškluobbal in the valley of Sojtchjok River